Season 7: Episode 352 - DARK FAMILIES: Return to Oz/Oz The Great and Powerful

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Season 7: Episode 352 - DARK FAMILIES: Return to Oz/Oz The Great and Powerful
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Become a supporter of this podcast: Welcome to another riveting episode of the Literary License Podcast, where we delve into the fascinating world of dark family films. In this...
mostra másWelcome to another riveting episode of the Literary License Podcast, where we delve into the fascinating world of dark family films. In this Season 7 retrospective, our panel of film aficionados embark on a thrilling journey to dissect and discuss captivating movie narratives like "Return to Oz" and "Oz the Great and Powerful".
Listen to our in-depth discussions as we delve into topics ranging from film analysis to the scrutiny and dissection of film elements to provide valuable insights. Explore the behind-the-scenes of serious film criticism and learn about the challenges of watching films, 15 seconds at a time. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive discussion about the iconic director, David Lynch. Discover his distinctive work and join us in exploring the haunting world of Dorothy Gale in "Return to Oz".
Join us as we analyze and speculate about unasked questions about popular characters' actions and intentions, compelling you to return to this beloved childhood tale with fresh eyes. It's a fascinating journey through a timeless classic story that continues to captivate audiences.
Get ready to dive into the captivating and haunting world of children's films with 'Return to Oz'. We discuss how this timeless classic closely resembles the book's illustrations and touch upon societal concerns in the mid-80s and how they impacted the reception of darker children's movies.
Wrapping up this profound exploration of cinematic artistry and storytelling, we invite you to tune in for an episode that truly delves into the complex and ever-evolving cosmos of films that continue to captivate audiences through mesmerizing tales of fantasy and reality.
00:00:40 - Films that scare, entice, and invite children into the underbelly of life as we know it.; 00:01:21 - Hello, welcome to the Literature License Podcast, and we’re discussing dark family films.; 00:12:14 - Come on a journey with the Literary License Podcast as we explore in our Season.; 00:41:17 - Frustrations at Work; 00:42:25 - Boosting Self on Screen; 00:43:03 - Confusion with Emojis; 00:43:11 - Catching Up with Vicky; 00:43:45 - Vicky’s Recent Watchlist; 00:44:28 - Keith’s Recent Viewing Habits; 00:45:54 -Twin Peaks Rewatch; 00:47:07 - Discussing Twin Peaks: The Return; 00:49:04 - The Fascination with Twin Peaks; 00:52:40 - The Art of David Lynch; 00:53:21 - Letting Lynch Films Wash Over You; 00:56:18 - Speculations on David Lynch’s New Project; 01:01:16 - Oscars and Missed Opportunities; 01:05:53 - Appreciation for Tom Cruise’s Movies; 01:10:20 - Discovering Tubi; 01:13:01 - Trailer Review: Return to Oz; 01:14:14 - Return to Oz Analysis; 01:51:14 - Return to Oz Review; 02:03:07 - Oz the Great and Powerful Film Analysis; 02:05:20 - Mysterious Dream in Oz; 02:07:32 - Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead Influence; 02:08:47 - The Great Movie Nod-off; 02:10:48 - Curious Origins; 02:11:20 - Aging in Oz; 02:12:13 - The Witch’s Betrayal; 02:13:14 - Unexpected Twists; 02:15:11 - A Divine Revelation; 02:15:37 - Beauty in Cinematography; 02:16:07 - Franco’s Smarmy Charm; 02:16:37 - The Enigmatic James Franco; 02:17:35 - Roasting Hollywood; 02:17:53 - A Wicked Sequel; 02:18:21 - Evil Con Artists; 02:20:38 - Musical Influence; 02:22:26 - Splitting Movies; 02:23:06 - Sequel Setups; 02:25:07 - Unnecessary Length; 02:27:04 - Never-ending Movies; 02:27:42 - Egotistical Productions; 02:28:23 - The Wizard’s Betrayal; 02:29:25 - Mysterious China Girl; 02:32:05 - Message Movie; 02:32:51 - The Dark Knight Influence; 02:34:34 - The Creation of Wicked; 02:36:50 - Lazy Scripting; 02:37:45 - Sam Raimi’s Style; 02:39:04 - Visual Vibrancy; 02:39:56 - Sam Raimi’s Charm; 02:41:48 - Superhero Movie Woes; 02:44:21 - Rating – Joe; 02:46:24 - Rating – Sean; 02:48:04 - Sam Raimi Disappointments; 02:50:35 - Drag Me to Hell Critique; 02:51:50 - Literary License Recap; 02:56:41 - Toto (Don't It Feel Like Paradise) by Lynda Carter
Opening Credits– Epidemic Sound – Copyright . All rights reserved
Closing Credits: Toto (Don’t It Feel Like Paradise) by Lynda Carter. From the album Portrait. Copyright 1978 Epic Records
Incidental Music: Return To Oz Soundtrack. Music by David Shire. Taken from the Return To Oz Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. Copyright 1985 Walt Disney Records
Oz The Great and Powerful Soundtrack. Music by Danny Elfman. Taken from Oz The Great and Powerful Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. Copyright 2013 Walt Disney Records.
Original Music copyrighted 2020 Dan Hughes Music and the Literary License Podcast.
All rights reserved. Used by Kind Permission.
All songs available through Amazon Music.
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