
Spicy Surprise: Siti's Market Adventure

16 de mar. de 2024 · 17m 13s
Spicy Surprise: Siti's Market Adventure

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 22s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Spicy Surprise: Siti's Market Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Pagi itu di pasar tradisional yang ramai, Siti,...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Spicy Surprise: Siti's Market Adventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Id: Pagi itu di pasar tradisional yang ramai, Siti, gadis kecil dengan rambut dikuncir dua, melangkah gembira bersama ibunya.
En: That morning in the bustling traditional market, Siti, a small girl with her hair tied in two braids, happily walked alongside her mother.

Id: Matahari bersinar cerah dan burung-burung berkicau riang.
En: The sun was shining brightly and the birds were chirping cheerfully.

Id: Siti senang sekali pergi ke pasar, karena banyak sekali warna dan bau yang menarik perhatian.
En: Siti was thrilled to go to the market because there were so many interesting colors and smells that caught her attention.

Id: Di sisi lain pasar, Dewi, penjual buah yang selalu tersenyum, meletakkan buah-buahan segar di atas meja dagangannya.
En: On the other side of the market, Dewi, a fruit seller who always smiled, arranged fresh fruits on her selling table.

Id: Apel, jeruk, dan pisang tersusun rapi, menanti para pembeli yang lewat.
En: Apples, oranges, and bananas were neatly arranged, waiting for passing buyers.

Id: Budi, pemuda yang kerja di pasar itu, sedang sibuk menata cabai merah di rak sayurannya.
En: Budi, a young man working in the market, was busy arranging red chilies on his vegetable shelf.

Id: Cabai-cabai itu berkilauan, seakan memanggil siapa saja yang lewat untuk membelinya.
En: The chilies glistened, as if calling out to anyone passing by to buy them.

Id: Siti yang riang berjalan, melihat ke kiri dan ke kanan, terpesona dengan berbagai barang yang dijual.
En: As Siti joyfully walked, looking from left to right, she was fascinated by the various items being sold.

Id: Tiba-tiba, matanya tertarik pada sesuatu yang berwarna merah menyala di meja Budi.
En: Suddenly, her eyes were drawn to something brightly red on Budi's table.

Id: "Bu, lihat!
En: "Mom, look!

Id: Buah merah!
En: Red fruit!"

Id: " seru Siti, menunjuk ke arah cabai yang dikiranya buah segar.
En: exclaimed Siti, pointing towards the chilies, mistaking them for fresh fruit.

Id: Ibunya yang sedang sibuk memilih sayur tidak segera memperhatikan.
En: Her mother, busy choosing vegetables, didn't immediately pay attention.

Id: Siti, didorong rasa penasarannya, meraih salah satu "buah merah" itu dan menggigitnya dengan semangat.
En: Driven by her curiosity, Siti reached for one of the "red fruits" and bit into it enthusiastically.

Id: Seketika, rasa pedas yang luar biasa menyeruak di mulut Siti.
En: Instantly, an incredibly spicy taste spread in Siti's mouth.

Id: Dia mulai batuk dan air mata mulai mengalir dari matanya.
En: She began to cough and tears started flowing from her eyes.

Id: "Pedas!
En: "Spicy!

Id: Pedas!
En: Spicy!"

Id: " teriaknya sambil melompat-lompat.
En: she cried while jumping up and down.

Id: Dewi yang mendengar keributan itu segera mendekat.
En: Dewi, hearing the commotion, quickly approached.

Id: "Itu bukan buah, itu cabai!
En: "That's not fruit, that's a chili!"

Id: " teriaknya sambil berlari ke arah Siti.
En: she shouted as she ran toward Siti.

Id: Sementara itu, Budi yang menyaksikan kejadian itu tidak dapat menahan tawa.
En: Meanwhile, Budi, who witnessed the incident, couldn't hold back his laughter.

Id: Ibu Siti yang sadar ada yang tidak beres, segera mengambil air dan memberikannya kepada Siti untuk membilas mulutnya.
En: Siti's mother, realizing something was wrong, quickly got some water and gave it to Siti to rinse her mouth.

Id: "Minumlah, sayang.
En: "Drink, dear.

Id: Itu akan membuatmu merasa lebih baik," kata ibunya dengan nada yang menenangkan.
En: It will make you feel better," her mother said in a calming tone.

Id: Perlahan-lain, Siti merasa lebih baik.
En: Gradually, Siti started to feel better.

Id: Dewi memberinya sepotong apel untuk membantu menghilangkan rasa pedas, sedangkan Budi memberikan semangkuk es krim kecil.
En: Dewi gave her a piece of apple to help alleviate the spiciness, while Budi offered her a small bowl of ice cream.

Id: Siti, sudah tidak merasakan pedas lagi, menatap Dewi dan Budi dengan mata berkaca-kaca, "Terima kasih, kalian baik sekali," katanya dengan suara lirih.
En: No longer feeling the spiciness, Siti looked at Dewi and Budi with teary eyes, "Thank you, you're both so kind," she said softly.

Id: Setelah kejadian itu, Siti menjadi lebih hati-hati dalam memilih makanan di pasar.
En: After that incident, Siti became more cautious in choosing food at the market.

Id: Dewi, Budi, dan ibu Siti tertawa melihat Siti yang kini selalu bertanya sebelum mengambil sesuatu.
En: Dewi, Budi, and Siti's mother laughed as they saw Siti asking questions before taking anything.

Id: Di penghujung hari, pasar tradisional masih ramai, tapi ada cerita manis yang tercipta di antara keramaian itu.
En: At the end of the day, the traditional market was still bustling, but there was a sweet story that unfolded amidst the busyness.

Id: Sebuah pelajaran untuk Siti, dan kehangatan persahabatan yang baru dijalin di antara mereka bertiga.
En: It was a lesson for Siti and the warmth of a newfound friendship between the three of them.

Vocabulary Words:
  • market: pasar
  • braids: kuncir
  • cheerfully: riang
  • fresh: segar
  • neatly: rapi
  • spicy: pedas
  • commotion: keributan
  • curiosity: rasa penasaran
  • enthusiastically: dengan semangat
  • alleviate: membantu menghilangkan
  • cautious: hati-hati
  • unfolded: tercipta
  • amidst: di antara
  • busyness: keramaian
  • lesson: pelajaran
  • warmth: kehangatan
  • newfound: baru
  • rinse: membilas
  • joyfully: dengan gembira
  • witnessed: menyaksikan
  • incident: kejadian
  • cough: batuk
  • spiciness: rasa pedas
  • laughter: tawa
  • sweet: manis
  • bustling: ramai
  • item: barang
  • wise: bijaksana
  • choose: memilih
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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