
Spilled Coffee Brews Romance

13 de dic. de 2023 · 19m 8s
Spilled Coffee Brews Romance

01 · Main Story

1m 37s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 25s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Spilled Coffee Brews Romance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di sudut kota yang ramai, ada sebuah warung kopi...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Spilled Coffee Brews Romance
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Id: Di sudut kota yang ramai, ada sebuah warung kopi kecil bernama "Segar Aroma".
En: In the busy corner of the city, there is a small coffee shop called "Fresh Aroma".

Id: Warung ini selalu penuh dengan pelanggan dari pagi hingga malam, para pekerja kantoran, pelajar, dan warga sekitar sering mampir untuk menikmati secangkir kopi hangat yang menenangkan hati.
En: This shop is always packed with customers from morning until night, office workers, students, and locals often stop by to enjoy a comforting cup of warm coffee.

Id: Di warung ini, kita akan bertemu dengan Budi, Siti, dan Hari.
En: In this shop, we will meet Budi, Siti, and Hari.

Id: Budi adalah pemuda yang sederhana dan baik hati.
En: Budi is a simple and kind-hearted young man.

Id: Dia kerap mampir ke warung kopi ini untuk bersantai setelah bekerja di toko buku seberang jalan.
En: He often stops by this coffee shop to relax after working at the bookstore across the street.

Id: Siti, gadis ceria dengan senyum yang manis, adalah pelayan di warung kopi itu.
En: Siti, a cheerful girl with a sweet smile, works as a waitress at the coffee shop.

Id: Setiap kali Budi datang, dia akan memesan kopi hitam favoritnya dan mencoba mengobrol dengan Siti yang selalu sibuk melayani pelanggan.
En: Every time Budi comes, he orders his favorite black coffee and tries to chat with Siti, who is always busy serving customers.

Id: Hari adalah teman Budi yang sering menemaninya, selalu memberi saran tentang cara membuat Siti terkesan.
En: Hari is Budi's friend who often accompanies him, always giving him advice on how to impress Siti.

Id: Suatu hari yang cerah, Budi datang dengan sesuatu yang spesial di kepala.
En: One bright day, Budi came with something special in mind.

Id: Hari mengajaknya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berani demi menarik perhatian Siti.
En: Hari encouraged him to do something bold to get Siti's attention.

Id: "Budi, kau bisa menunjukkan keahlianmu di depan Siti," kata Hari sambil menepuk bahu Budi.
En: "Budi, you can show off your skills in front of Siti," Hari said while patting Budi on the back.

Id: Budi ragu, namun ia mengangguk dan berjalan menuju warung kopi dengan tekad yang bulat.
En: Budi hesitated, but he nodded and walked confidently towards the coffee shop.

Id: Setibanya di warung, pandangan pertama Budi adalah Siti yang tersenyum dan menyapa pelanggan dengan ramah.
En: Upon arriving at the shop, Budi's first glimpse was Siti smiling and greeting customers warmly.

Id: Dia mendekat, duduk di kursi favoritnya sambil memesan kopi.
En: He approached, took a seat at his favorite spot, and ordered coffee.

Id: Saat Siti mendekat membawa kopi hitam panas, Budi mencoba trik yang telah dia latih.
En: As Siti approached with the hot black coffee, Budi attempted a trick he had practiced.

Id: Dia ingin melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah dia lakukan sebelumnya.
En: He wanted to do something he had never done before.

Id: Budi mengambil kopi itu dan berpura-pura membaca buku sambil sesekali melirik Siti.
En: Budi took the coffee and pretended to read a book while occasionally glancing at Siti.

Id: Tanpa sengaja, tangannya yang gemetar menyenggol cangkir kopi, dan tumpahlah kopi itu ke atas meja, bajunya, bahkan sampai ke lantai.
En: Accidentally, his trembling hand bumped the coffee cup, spilling it onto the table, his clothes, and even onto the floor.

Id: Budi kaget dan wajahnya merah padam.
En: Budi was shocked and his face turned crimson.

Id: Siti bergegas mendekat dengan tisu dan kain pembersih.
En: Siti hurried over with tissues and a cleaning cloth.

Id: Dia menutupi rasa malu Budi dengan lembut.
En: She covered Budi's embarrassment gently.

Id: "Jangan khawatir, Budi.
En: "Don't worry, Budi.

Id: Semua orang pernah menjatuhkan kopi, kan?
En: Everyone has dropped coffee, haven't they?"

Id: " ujar Siti sambil tersenyum menghibur.
En: Siti said, trying to comfort him with a smile.

Id: Budi hanya bisa tersenyum kikuk.
En: Budi could only smile nervously.

Id: Hari yang melihat kejadian itu hanya bisa menahan tawa.
En: Hari, who witnessed the incident, couldn't help but hold back his laughter.

Id: Tapi, dari kejadian itu, sesuatu yang tak disangka terjadi.
En: But from that incident, something unexpected happened.

Id: Siti mulai memperhatikan lebih kepada Budi, bukan karena kam to impress her, but because she saw sincerity and vulnerability in him that she had never noticed before.
En: Siti began to pay more attention to Budi, not because he was trying to impress her, but because she saw sincerity and vulnerability in him that she had never noticed before.

Id: Hari-hari berikutnya, Budi menjadi lebih berani.
En: In the following days, Budi became bolder.

Id: Dia tidak lagi mencoba terlalu keras untuk mengesankan.
En: He no longer tried too hard to impress.

Id: Dia hanya menjadi dirinya sendiri, dan itu justru yang membuat Siti semakin tertarik.
En: He just became himself, and that's what made Siti even more interested.

Id: Mereka mulai banyak bercanda dan berbagi cerita di warung kopi itu.
En: They started joking around and sharing stories at the coffee shop.

Id: Kejadian tumpahan kopi itu menjadi kenangan yang sering mereka tertawakan bersama.
En: The coffee spill incident became a memory they often laughed about together.

Id: Budi dan Siti semakin akrab, dan warung kopi "Segar Aroma" menjadi saksi bisu berkembangnya benih persahabatan yang perlahan berubah menjadi kisah cinta yang manis.
En: Budi and Siti grew closer, and the "Fresh Aroma" coffee shop became a silent witness to the blossoming of a friendship that slowly turned into a sweet love story.

Id: Dan begitulah cerita di warung kopi kecil itu, di mana kopi yang tumpah tak sengaja menjadi awal dari sesuatu yang sangat berharga.
En: And that's the story of the small coffee shop, where a accidentally spilled coffee became the beginning of something very precious.

Id: Budi, Siti, dan juga Hari, kini tersenyum lebar sambil menikmati secangkir kopi hangat yang membawa cerita dan tawa di setiap tegukannya.
En: Budi, Siti, and also Hari, now smile broadly while enjoying a cup of warm coffee that brings stories and laughter with every sip.

Vocabulary Words:
  • city: kota
  • coffee shop: warung kopi
  • customers: pelanggan
  • morning: pagi
  • night: malam
  • office workers: pekerja kantoran
  • students: pelajar
  • locals: warga sekitar
  • comforting: menenangkan
  • cup: cangkir
  • warm: hangat
  • young man: pemuda
  • bookstore: toko buku
  • waitress: pelayan
  • chat: mengobrol
  • busy: sibuk
  • friends: teman
  • encourage: mengajak
  • bold: berani
  • skills: keahlian
  • pat: menepuk
  • back: bahu
  • hesitated: ragu
  • glance: melirik
  • accidentally: tanpa sengaja
  • spill: tumpah
  • floor: lantai
  • shocked: kaget
  • crimson: merah padam
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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