
Spilled Coffee Sparks Unexpected Bond

3 de ene. de 2024 · 18m 56s
Spilled Coffee Sparks Unexpected Bond

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 51s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Spilled Coffee Sparks Unexpected Bond Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di sudut yang ramai dari sebuah kota kecil,...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Spilled Coffee Sparks Unexpected Bond
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Id: Di sudut yang ramai dari sebuah kota kecil, ada sebuah warung kopi yang selalu menjadi secret haven bagi para pecinta kopi.
En: In a bustling corner of a small town, there was a coffee shop that always served as a secret haven for coffee lovers.

Id: Warung ini bernama "Warung Kopi Kenangan".
En: The shop was called "Warung Kopi Kenangan."

Id: Terkenal dengan aromanya yang menggugah selera, warung ini menjadi tempat favorit Siti untuk menghabiskan waktu sorenya sambil menikmati kopi hitam kesukaannya.
En: Known for its tantalizing aroma, it became Siti's favorite place to spend her afternoons savoring her favorite black coffee.

Id: Suatu hari, saat langit mulai menguning dan sinar matahari menyemburkan warnanya yang keemasan, Siti melangkah masuk ke dalam warung dengan buku di tangan dan headphone di telinganya.
En: One day, as the sky started to turn yellow and the sunlight bathed everything in a golden hue, Siti stepped into the shop with a book in her hand and headphones in her ears.

Id: Di sana, warung sudah mulai dipenuhi pengunjung yang bercakap-cakap sambil menyeruput kopi.
En: Inside, the shop was already filled with visitors chatting and sipping on their coffee.

Id: Siti memesan kopi dan menemukan meja kosong di pojok warung.
En: Siti ordered her coffee and found an empty table in the corner of the shop.

Id: Dalam dunianya sendiri, dia membuka buku dan mulai tenggelam dalam cerita yang ditulis di halaman-halaman itu.
En: In her own world, she opened her book and started to immerse herself in the stories written on its pages.

Id: Tidak lama kemudian, kopi pesanannya pun datang.
En: Shortly after, her ordered coffee arrived.

Id: Warnanya begitu pekat dan asap yang mengepul dari gelas menjanjikan kenikmatan.
En: Its rich color and the swirling steam from the cup promised a delightful experience.

Id: Di saat yang hampir bersamaan, Rudi, seorang fotografer yang sedang mencari inspirasi untuk projek terbarunya, memasuki warung.
En: Almost simultaneously, Rudi, a photographer seeking inspiration for his latest project, entered the shop.

Id: Ia memakai kamera kesayangannya di lehernya dan mengamati setiap sudut warung dengan antusias.
En: He had his beloved camera hanging from his neck and enthusiastically observed every corner of the shop.

Id: Siti, yang terlalu larut dalam bukunya, tidak menyadari kedatangan Rudi.
En: Siti, too absorbed in her book, didn't notice Rudi's arrival.

Id: Tiba-tiba, entah bagaimana, tangan Siti tersentuh sesuatu dan secangkir kopi hitamnya terguling.
En: Suddenly, somehow, Siti's hand touched something, and her black coffee cup toppled over.

Id: Dalam sekejap, kopi itu tumpah dan seolah-olah dalam gerakan lambat, kopi itu mendarat di baju Rudi.
En: In an instant, the coffee spilled, and as if in slow motion, it landed on Rudi's white shirt.

Id: "Oh tidak!
En: "Oh no!"

Id: " pekik Siti, seketika sadar bahwa keheningannya telah terganggu.
En: exclaimed Siti, realizing that her moment of quiet had been disrupted.

Id: Rudi terkejut, kopi mengalir di kemejanya yang putih.
En: Rudi was startled, with the coffee flowing down his shirt.

Id: Dia menatap Siti, matanya menyiratkan campuran kejutan dan sedikit kekesalan.
En: He gazed at Siti, his eyes showing a mix of surprise and a hint of annoyance.

Id: Siti, dengan cepat, meminta tisu dan air dan mulai membantu Rudi membersihkan mess yang telah ia buat.
En: Quickly, Siti asked for tissues and water and began to help Rudi clean up the mess she had made.

Id: "Maaf, aku tidak sengaja.
En: "I'm so sorry, it was an accident.

Id: Aku benar-benar tidak melihat kamu," kata Siti dengan tulus.
En: I really didn't see you," Siti said earnestly.

Id: Rudi yang pada awalnya kesal, mulai melunak.
En: Initially upset, Rudi started to soften.

Id: "Tidak apa-apa, ini juga kelalaianku karena tidak memperhatikan sekeliling," kata Rudi dengan nada yang lebih tenang.
En: "It's okay, it's also my fault for not paying attention to my surroundings," Rudi said in a calmer tone.

Id: Dari insiden tak terduga itu, mereka pun mulai berbincang.
En: From this unexpected incident, they began to converse.

Id: Siti memohon maaf sambil terus membersihkan baju Rudi.
En: Siti apologized while continuing to clean Rudi's shirt.

Id: Rudi, yang dapat melihat ketulusan di mata Siti, justru terinspirasi.
En: Seeing the sincerity in Siti's eyes, Rudi was inspired.

Id: Ia melihat cerita di balik sosok perempuan yang ceroboh tapi ramah dan berhati besar ini.
En: He saw a story behind this clumsy yet kind-hearted woman.

Id: Percakapan mereka berkembang dari insiden ke tumpahan kopi, dari kopi ke fotografi, dan dari fotografi ke buku dan cerita kesukaan mereka.
En: Their conversation evolved from the coffee spill incident to photography, and from photography to their favorite books and stories.

Id: Sebelum mereka sadari, sinar matahari telah tenggelam dan warung kopi menjadi lebih sepi.
En: Before they knew it, the sunlight had faded, and the coffee shop had become quieter.

Id: Saat keduanya berpisah, Rudi dengan senang hati memberikan nomornya pada Siti.
En: As they parted ways, Rudi happily gave his number to Siti.

Id: "Mungkin kita bisa minum kopi bersama lagi, tanpa insiden apapun di lain hari," canda Rudi membuat Siti tersenyum.
En: "Maybe we can have coffee together again, without any incidents, another day," Rudi joked, making Siti smile.

Id: Dari sebuah kecelakaan kecil di warung kopi, persahabatan baru mereka pun bermekaran.
En: From a small mishap in the coffee shop, their new friendship blossomed.

Id: Warung Kopi Kenangan tidak hanya kembali menyajikan kopi, namun juga telah menyatukan dua jiwa yang tak sengaja bertemu dan membuka babak baru dalam cerita hidup masing-masing.
En: "Warung Kopi Kenangan" not only continued to serve coffee but also brought together two souls who accidentally met and opened a new chapter in each other's lives.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: meramaikan
  • coffee shop: warung kopi
  • secret haven: tempat persembunyian rahasia
  • tantalizing: menggugah selera
  • aroma: aroma
  • favorite: favorit
  • afternoons: sore-sore
  • savoring: menikmati
  • black coffee: kopi hitam
  • sky: langit
  • yellow: menguning
  • sunlight: sinar matahari
  • golden hue: warna keemasan
  • book: buku
  • headphones: headphone
  • filled: dipenuhi
  • visitors: pengunjung
  • chatting: bercakap-cakap
  • sipping: menyeruput
  • ordered: memesan
  • table: meja
  • corner: pojok
  • immersed: tenggelam
  • pages: halaman
  • arrived: datang
  • rich color: warna pekat
  • swirling steam: asap yang mengepul
  • photographer: fotografer
  • inspiration: inspirasi
  • project: proyek
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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