
Statue Surprises: Dubrovnik's Trio Tale

10 de abr. de 2024 · 12m 41s
Statue Surprises: Dubrovnik's Trio Tale

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 28s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Statue Surprises: Dubrovnik's Trio Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Ana je bila nova u gradu. En: Ana...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Statue Surprises: Dubrovnik's Trio Tale
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Ana je bila nova u gradu.
En: Ana was new in town.

Hr: Hodala je uskim kamenim ulicama Starog grada Dubrovnika, gledajući visoke zidine i osjećajući miris mora.
En: She walked through the narrow stone streets of the Old Town of Dubrovnik, admiring the tall walls and sensing the smell of the sea.

Hr: Sunce je peklo, a turisti su posvuda šetali, fotografski aparati su kliketali, a djeca su se vrištala igrajući se.
En: The sun was shining, and tourists strolled everywhere, their cameras clicking while children screamed and played.

Hr: U jednoj tako sunčanoj uličici, Ana je ugledala nešto čudesno.
En: In one sunny alley, Ana spotted something marvelous.

Hr: Tamo je stajala statua, ili barem Ana je tako mislila.
En: There stood a statue, or at least Ana thought so.

Hr: Bila je to figura viteza, savršeno nepomična, s mačem u ruci i oklopom koji se svjetlucao na suncu.
En: It was a knight figure, perfectly still, with a sword in hand and armor glistening in the sun.

Hr: Ana se nasmiješila.
En: Ana smiled.

Hr: "Izgledaš tako stvarno", rekla je statui.
En: "You look so real," she said to the statue.

Hr: "Kao da ćeš svakog trenutka oživjeti."
En: "As if you're going to come to life any moment now."

Hr: Ali "statua", koja je zapravo bio ulični performer Ivan, oživio je i smiješkajući se pogledao Anu.
En: But the "statue," who was actually street performer Ivan, came to life and smiled at Ana.

Hr: Ana je odskočila unazad, iznenadena.
En: Startled, Ana jumped back.

Hr: "Oprosti, mislila sam da si prava statua!", ispalo je iz Ane.
En: "Sorry, I thought you were a real statue!" Ana blurted out.

Hr: Ivan je zakikotao:
En: Ivan chuckled.

Hr: "To je bio cilj, gospođice. Da zavarava. Zovem se Ivan, a ti?"
En: "That was the goal, miss. To deceive. My name's Ivan, and you?"

Hr: "Ja sam Ana", rekla je, još uvijek se smijući od iznenađenja.
En: "I'm Ana," she said, still smiling from the surprise.

Hr: U tom trenutku, naišla je Marija, Ivanova prijateljica, i sa smiješkom promatrala scenu.
En: At that moment, Maria, Ivan's friend, came by and watched the scene with a smile.

Hr: "Ivane, opet se pretvaraš u kip, vidim. I, kako danas ide 'kiparenje'?"
En: "Ivan, you're pretending to be a statue again, I see. So, how's 'statue-ing' going today?"

Hr: Tri su se osobe ubrzo sprijateljile, smijući se Ivanovom glumačkom talentu.
En: The three soon became friends, laughing at Ivan's acting talent.

Hr: Proveli su dan zajedno, šećući dubrovačkim ulicama, upijajući duh srednjovjekovnih ulica i slatkoću jadranske obale.
En: They spent the day together, strolling through the streets of Dubrovnik, soaking in the spirit of the medieval streets and the sweetness of the Adriatic coast.

Hr: Na kraju dana, Ana je naučila da u Starom gradu Dubrovniku ništa nije onako kako se čini na prvi pogled.
En: By the end of the day, Ana had learned that in the Old Town of Dubrovnik, nothing is as it seems at first glance.

Hr: I više od svega, naučila je vrednost novih prijateljstava koja se mogu naći u najneočekivanijim situacijama.
En: And, most of all, she had learned the value of new friendships that can be found in the most unexpected situations.

Hr: Priča se završava veselo, sva trojica su se našli sljedeći dan na istom mjestu, gdje je Ivan nastavio zabavljati prolaznike, ali ovoga puta s dvije nove prijateljice koje su mu pomagale u njegovim uličnim predstavama.
En: The story ends cheerfully, with all three meeting the next day at the same spot, where Ivan continued to entertain passersby, but this time with two new friends helping him in his street performances.

Hr: Ana nikad više nije pogrešno identificirala statuu – osim kad je to radila namjerno, kako bi razveselila Ivana.
En: Ana never mistook a statue again – except when she did so on purpose, to cheer up Ivan.

Vocabulary Words:
  • narrow: uskim
  • admiring: gledajući
  • tall: visoke
  • clicking: kliketali
  • screamed: vrištala
  • marvelous: čudesno
  • figure: figura
  • perfectly: nepomična
  • glistening: svjetlucao
  • startled: iznenadena
  • pretending: pretvaraš
  • acting: glumačkom
  • medieval: srednjovjekovnih
  • unexpected: neočekivanijim
  • cheerfully: veselo
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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