
Stuck on Sourdough: A Bakery Blunder

18 de nov. de 2023 · 14m 54s
Stuck on Sourdough: A Bakery Blunder

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 32s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Stuck on Sourdough: A Bakery Blunder Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: En una petita panaderia, enmig del cor...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Stuck on Sourdough: A Bakery Blunder
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Story Transcript:

Ca: En una petita panaderia, enmig del cor de Barcelona, es podia sentir l'olor dolç de la brioxeria acabada de coure cada matí.
En: In a small bakery, in the heart of Barcelona, the sweet smell of freshly baked pastries could be felt every morning.

Ca: La Marta, una clienta habitual, tenia la rutina de comprar un pa de pagès fresc abans d'anar a la feina.
En: Marta, a regular customer, had the routine of buying a fresh country loaf before going to work.

Ca: Un dia, just quan sortia lluïnt el sol per la finestra, Marta va entrar a la panaderia amb presses.
En: One day, just as the sun was shining through the window, Marta rushed into the bakery.

Ca: Jordi, el forner, estava al darrere del taulell col·locant els pans acabats de sortir del forn.
En: Jordi, the baker, was behind the counter arranging the freshly baked bread.

Ca: Laia, la seva ajudant, estava preparant els croissants de xocolata, els quals oloraven deliciós.
En: Laia, his assistant, was preparing the chocolate croissants, which smelled delicious.

Ca: Sense adonar-se, Marta va seure en una cadira que Jordi havia posat al costat del taulell per un moment.
En: Unaware, Marta sat down on a chair that Jordi had placed next to the counter for a moment.

Ca: Allò que no sabia era que sota la seu abric, hi havia una barra de pa que Jordi acabava de posar.
En: What she didn't know was that under her coat, there was a loaf of bread that Jordi had just placed there.

Ca: Marta, preocupada per un missatge que acabava de rebre al seu telèfon, no va notar res fins que va intentar aixecar-se per fer la comanda.
En: Marta, preoccupied with a message she had just received on her phone, didn't notice anything until she tried to get up to place her order.

Ca: Però... sorpresa! No podia moure's. Com era possible? No entendia què passava.
En: But... surprise! She couldn't move. How was that possible? She didn't understand what was happening.

Ca: La Marta es movia d'un costat a l'altre, però notava alguna cosa estranya. Finalment, va mirar cap a baix i va descobrir amb horror que s'havia assegut damunt d'un pa calent i cruixent.
En: Marta moved from side to side, but felt something strange. Finally, she looked down and discovered with horror that she had sat on a hot, crispy loaf of bread.

Ca: El pa estava aplatat i Marta havia quedat lleugerament enganxada al pa i a la cadira.
En: The bread was flattened and Marta had become slightly stuck to the bread and the chair.

Ca: Jordi i Laia es van apropar sobresaltats, incapaços de contenir una petita rialla davant de la inesperada situació.
En: Jordi and Laia approached, startled, unable to contain a small laugh at the unexpected situation.

Ca: "Marta, has de tenir més compte!", va dir Jordi intentant ajudar-la.
En: "Marta, you need to be more careful!" said Jordi trying to help her.

Ca: Amb molta paciència i entre les rialles contingudes, van aconseguir desenganxar Marta del pa.
En: With a lot of patience and suppressed laughter, they managed to unstick Marta from the bread.

Ca: Però la barra estava completament esclafada. "Quin desastre", va pensar Marta, sentint-se molt avergonyida.
En: But the loaf was completely flattened. "What a disaster," thought Marta, feeling very embarrassed.

Ca: Jordi, sempre amable, li va oferir una altra barra de pa fresc. "Aquests accidents passen", va dir ell amb un somriure.
En: Jordi, always kind, offered her another fresh loaf. "These accidents happen," he said with a smile.

Ca: Laia va afegir que aquella podia ser una nova especialitat de la casa: "Pans amb forma de seient!".
En: Laia added that this could be a new specialty of the house: "Bread-shaped seats!"

Ca: Marta va sortir de la panaderia amb una barra nova i també una història per explicar.
En: Marta left the bakery with a new loaf and also a story to tell.

Ca: Tot i que se sentia avergonyida, havia après una lliçó important: estar atenta al moment present, sobretot en llocs on hi hagi pans frescos.
En: Although she felt embarrassed, she had learned an important lesson: to pay attention to the present moment, especially in places where there are fresh breads.

Ca: La panaderia va seguir sent el seu lloc preferit per començar el matí, i Jordi i Laia es van convertir en dos bons amics que sempre la recordarien amb un somriure cada vegada que comprava el seu pa de pagès diari.
En: The bakery continued to be her favorite place to start the morning, and Jordi and Laia became two good friends who would always remember her with a smile every time she bought her daily country loaf.

Vocabulary Words:
  • small: petita
  • bakery: panaderia
  • heart: cor
  • Barcelona: Barcelona
  • sweet: dolç
  • smell: olor
  • freshly: cada matí
  • baked: coure
  • pastries: brioxeria
  • could: podia
  • felt: sentia
  • morning: matí
  • regular: habiual
  • customer: clienta
  • routine: rutina
  • buying: comprar
  • country: pagès
  • loaf: barra
  • before: abans
  • going: anar
  • work: feina
  • sun: sol
  • shining: lluïnt
  • window: finestra
  • rushed: amb presses
  • counter: taulell
  • arranging: col·locant
  • assistant: ajudant
  • preparing: preparant
  • chocolate: xocolata
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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