
The Secret of Lake Bled: Guardians of Heritage

29 de jul. de 2024 · 17m
The Secret of Lake Bled: Guardians of Heritage

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 6s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: The Secret of Lake Bled: Guardians of Heritage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nad jezerom Bled se je...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: The Secret of Lake Bled: Guardians of Heritage
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nad jezerom Bled se je razlivala zlata svetloba sončnega zahoda.
En: Above Lake Bled, the golden light of the sunset spread out.

Sl: Tadej je stal ob obali, njegov pogled pa je segal čez mirno modro površino jezera.
En: Tadej stood by the shore, his gaze extending over the calm blue surface of the lake.

Sl: Z mislimi je bil daleč stran, morda v preteklosti, ki jo je želel razkriti.
En: His thoughts were far away, perhaps in the past, which he sought to uncover.

Sl: Bled je bil pravljičen – otoček s cerkvico, skalnati grad visoko na pečini in ribiči, ki so počasi veslali po vodi.
En: Bled was enchanting – an islet with a church, a rocky castle perched high on a cliff, and fishermen paddling slowly on the water.

Sl: Poleti, ko je zrak prijetno topel, pa je bilo vse še lepše.
En: In the summer, when the air was pleasantly warm, everything was even more beautiful.

Sl: Tadej je čutil, da je tukaj nekaj več, neka skrivnost, ki je prikrivala pravo zgodbo preteklosti.
En: Tadej felt that there was something more here, a secret that concealed the true story of the past.

Sl: Milena je pristopila tiho, njeni koraki so bili komaj slišni po mehki travi.
En: Milena approached quietly, her steps barely audible on the soft grass.

Sl: "Tadej," je tiho rekla, "vem, da imaš vprašanja.
En: “Tadej,” she said softly, “I know you have questions.

Sl: Vse ti bom pojasnila."
En: I will explain everything.”

Sl: Srečala sta se pred nekaj meseci, a zdelo se je, da ju povezuje nevidna vez že dolgo časa.
En: They had met a few months ago, but it seemed as if they had been connected by an invisible bond for a long time.

Sl: On, mlad in poln energije, ki si želi pustiti pečat v svetu.
En: He, young and full of energy, eager to leave his mark on the world.

Sl: Ona, mirna in modra, z globokimi koreninami v svoji skupnosti.
En: She, calm and wise, with deep roots in her community.

Sl: "Tukaj, ob jezeru," je pričel Tadej, "sem našel nekaj starih pisem.
En: “Here, by the lake,” Tadej began, “I found some old letters.

Sl: So tvoja družina."
En: They belong to your family.”

Sl: Njegov glas je bil resen in poln pričakovanja.
En: His voice was serious and full of anticipation.

Sl: Milena se je zazrla v tla.
En: Milena looked down.

Sl: "Vedela sem, da boš to našel," je priznala.
En: “I knew you would find them,” she admitted.

Sl: "Ta pisma skrivajo resnico o naši družini.
En: “Those letters hide the truth about our family.

Sl: Osel, ki je rešil naš kraj pred stoletji, ni bil samo mit.
En: The donkey that saved our village centuries ago was not just a myth.

Sl: Bil je resničen.
En: It was real.

Sl: Moji predniki so bili povezani z njim."
En: My ancestors were connected to it.”

Sl: "Zakaj mi tega nisi povedala?" je vprašal Tadej, občutek izdaje je žarel v njegovih očeh.
En: “Why didn’t you tell me?” Tadej asked, a feeling of betrayal burning in his eyes.

Sl: "To bi lahko bilo nekaj velikega.
En: “This could be something big.

Sl: Ljudje bi naju spoštovali."
En: People would respect us.”

Sl: "Ali pa bi povzročilo nemir," je odgovorila Milena.
En: “Or it could cause turmoil,” Milena replied.

Sl: "Moje družini je bilo pomembno zaščititi mir in dediščino.
En: “My family valued the preservation of peace and heritage.

Sl: Ne vse za slavo."
En: Not everything is for fame.”

Sl: Tadej je stopil korak nazaj.
En: Tadej took a step back.

Sl: Skrivnost, ki bi mu lahko prinesla priznanje, pa je bilo tudi nekaj večjega – bila je ključ do miru celotne skupnosti.
En: A secret that could bring him recognition but was also something more – it was the key to the peace of the entire community.

Sl: Srce mu je močno razbijalo.
En: His heart pounded forcefully.

Sl: "Torej, kaj boš storil?" je vprašala Milena, njene oči so bile mehke in sočutne.
En: “So, what will you do?” Milena asked, her eyes soft and compassionate.

Sl: Pogledal je jezero, občutil je globok mir.
En: He looked at the lake, feeling a deep peace.

Sl: Nežna sapica je pihljala čez vodo, prinašala vonj svežine.
En: A gentle breeze blew across the water, bringing the scent of freshness.

Sl: "Shranil bom skrivnost," je končno rekel.
En: “I will keep the secret,” he finally said.

Sl: "Razumem.
En: “I understand.

Sl: Mora biti tako."
En: It must be this way.”

Sl: Milena je olajšano zavzdihnila, in skupaj sta počasi korakala ob obali.
En: Milena sighed with relief, and together they walked slowly along the shore.

Sl: Skrivnost je ostala skrita, toda Tadej je spoznal, da včasih prava vrednost ne leži v tem, kar pokažemo svetu, temveč v tem, kar ohranimo in spoštujemo.
En: The secret remained hidden, but Tadej realized that sometimes the true value lies not in what we show the world, but in what we preserve and respect.

Sl: Jezero Bled je še naprej sijalo v svoji lepoti, skrivnosti skrite v globinah in listih, ki so šepetali stare zgodbe preteklosti.
En: Lake Bled continued to shine in its beauty, secrets hidden in its depths and the leaves whispering ancient stories of the past.

Sl: Tadej je spoznal, da pravi junaki niso tisti, ki iščejo slavo, temveč tisti, ki varujejo dediščino.
En: Tadej realized that true heroes are not those who seek fame, but those who protect heritage.

Vocabulary Words:
  • golden: zlata
  • sunset: sončnega zahoda
  • shore: obali
  • gaze: pogled
  • calm: mirno
  • surface: površina
  • uncover: razkriti
  • enchanting: pravljičen
  • islet: otoček
  • perched: visoko na
  • cliff: pečini
  • paddling: veslali
  • pleasantly: prijetno
  • concealed: prikrivala
  • audible: slišni
  • bond: vez
  • community: skupnosti
  • anticipation: pričakovanja
  • betrayal: izdaje
  • recognition: priznanje
  • turmoil: nemir
  • preservation: zaščititi
  • heritage: dediščino
  • key: klju
  • compassionate: sočutne
  • breeze: sapica
  • freshness: svežine
  • relief: olajšano
  • whispering: šepetali
  • heroes: junaki
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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