
Trapped in Laughter: A Slovenian Mishap

29 de nov. de 2023 · 14m 44s
Trapped in Laughter: A Slovenian Mishap

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 3s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Trapped in Laughter: A Slovenian Mishap Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V deželi, kjer griči vedno nekaj šepetajo...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Trapped in Laughter: A Slovenian Mishap
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V deželi, kjer griči vedno nekaj šepetajo in reke pojejo pesmi, je bil lep sončen dan v mestu Ljubljana.
En: In the land where the hills always whisper and the rivers sing songs, it was a beautiful sunny day in the city of Ljubljana.

Sl: Luka in Ana, dva stara prijatelja, sta se odločila za obisk nakupovalnega centra v srcu mesta.
En: Luka and Ana, two old friends, decided to visit the shopping center in the heart of the city.

Sl: "Ali veš, da imajo tukaj najboljše sladoled?
En: "Do you know they have the best ice cream here?"

Sl: " je rekel Luka z velikim nasmeškom na obrazu, ko sta se sprehajala skozi stare ulice proti veličastni zgradbi.
En: Luka said with a big smile on his face as they walked through the old streets towards the magnificent building.

Sl: "Slišala sem!
En: "I've heard!

Sl: Komaj čakam, da poskusim," je odgovorila Ana, medtem ko je prijetno klepetala.
En: I can't wait to try it," Ana replied, while chatting pleasantly.

Sl: Ko sta se približevala vratom nakupovalnega centra, je sonce sijalo skozi steklene panele, ki so se vrteli v neskončno vabilo.
En: As they approached the doors of the shopping center, the sun shone through the revolving glass panels as if beckoning endlessly.

Sl: Prav te vrteča vrata so pritegnila Lukovo radovednost.
En: It was precisely these revolving doors that piqued Luka's curiosity.

Sl: "Poglej to, Ana, smešno je, kako se vrata vrtijo in vrtijo.
En: "Look at this, Ana, it's funny how the doors spin and spin."

Sl: " Ponagajivo je pritisnil na vrata, da bi se zavrtela hitreje.
En: He mischievously pushed the door to make it spin faster.

Sl: Ana je pogledala Luko in se nasmehnila.
En: Ana looked at Luka and smiled.

Sl: "Ne bodi preveč nestrpen," je rekla, vendar je bilo prepozno.
En: "Don't be too impatient," she said, but it was too late.

Sl: Luka je vstopil v prostor med vrati in se nenadoma znašel ujet.
En: Luka entered the space between the doors and suddenly found himself trapped.

Sl: "Ana, pomagaj!
En: "Ana, help!"

Sl: " je zaklical.
En: he shouted.

Sl: Ana je planila za njim, a bila je prav tako ujeta, ko so se vrata nepričakovano ustavila.
En: Ana rushed in after him, but she too was trapped as the doors unexpectedly stopped.

Sl: "Ah, ne, zakaj se ne premikajo?
En: "Oh no, why aren't they moving?"

Sl: " je vzkliknila Ana, ko sta se skušala premakniti.
En: exclaimed Ana as they tried to free themselves.

Sl: Ljudje okoli so začeli opažati njuno dilemo in se smejati.
En: People around began to notice their dilemma and started laughing.

Sl: Nekateri so celo vzeli svoje telefone, da bi posneli dva prijatelja, ki sta se skušala rešiti iz vrtečih se vrat.
En: Some even took out their phones to record the two friends trying to escape from the revolving doors.

Sl: "Gibanje, Luka, skušajva se premikati v ritmu," je predlagala Ana.
En: "Move, Luka, let's try to move in rhythm," Ana suggested.

Sl: Z rokami in nogami sta začela z naporom potiskati vrata, ko je čez nekaj trenutkov varnostnik pritekel k njima.
En: With hands and feet, they started pushing the doors with effort, and after a few moments, a security guard rushed to them.

Sl: "Don't worry, pomagal vam bom," je rekel varnostnik in z močnimi rokami potisnil vrata, tako da sta se Luka in Ana končno lahko osvobodila.
En: "Don't worry, I'll help you," the security guard said, and with strong hands, he pushed the doors, finally freeing Luka and Ana.

Sl: Sonce je še vedno sijalo visoko na nebu, ko sta prijatelja izstopila iz nakupovalnega centra in si oddahnila.
En: The sun still shone high in the sky as the friends stepped out of the shopping center and breathed a sigh of relief.

Sl: "Svetla stran vsega tega je, da si zasluživa ta sladoled dvakrat toliko!
En: "The bright side of all this is that we deserve that ice cream twice as much!"

Sl: " je rekel Luka in se na glas zasmejal.
En: Luka said, laughing out loud.

Sl: Z rokami, zdaj bolj združenima kot kdajkoli prej, sta se Luka in Ana smejala skupaj in se odpravila iskat najboljši sladoled v Ljubljani.
En: With their hands, now more united than ever, Luka and Ana laughed together and went off to find the best ice cream in Ljubljana.

Sl: Prigoda z vrtečimi vrati jima je ostala v spominu kot smešen utrinek dneva, ki ga bosta povedala še mnogokrat.
En: The adventure with the revolving doors remained a funny memory of the day, one they would tell many times over.

Vocabulary Words:
  • land: dežela
  • hills: griči
  • whisper: šepetati
  • rivers: reke
  • sing: peti
  • songs: pesmi
  • sunny: sončen
  • city: mesto
  • old: stara
  • friends: prijatelja
  • visit: obisk
  • shopping center: nakupovalni center
  • heart: srcu
  • ice cream: sladoled
  • smile: smeh
  • face: obraz
  • streets: ulice
  • building: zgradba
  • heard: slišal(a)
  • wait: čakati
  • try: poskusiti
  • approached: približevala
  • doors: vrata
  • shone: sijalo
  • revolving: vrteča
  • glass: steklene
  • panels: panele
  • curiosity: radovednost
  • funny: smešno
  • mischievously: ponagajivo
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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