
Triumph in Barcelona: A Sant Joan Night of Recovery and Resolve

11 de jul. de 2024 · 19m 47s
Triumph in Barcelona: A Sant Joan Night of Recovery and Resolve

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

16m 1s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Triumph in Barcelona: A Sant Joan Night of Recovery and Resolve Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: L'estiu a...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Triumph in Barcelona: A Sant Joan Night of Recovery and Resolve
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Story Transcript:

Ca: L'estiu a Barcelona era sempre intens, però durant la nit de Sant Joan, la ciutat es convertia en una festa contínua.
En: Summer in Barcelona was always intense, but during the night of Sant Joan, the city turned into a continuous festival.

Ca: La Rambla de Cataluña era plena de gent rient, ballant i mirant els focs artificials que il·luminaven el cel.
En: La Rambla de Catalunya was full of people laughing, dancing, and watching the fireworks that lit up the sky.

Ca: Ariadna caminava ràpidament, agafant la mà del seu germà petit, Xavi, que estava a punt de plorar.
En: Ariadna was walking quickly, holding the hand of her little brother, Xavi, who was on the verge of crying.

Ca: Havia estat un dia difícil per a ell.
En: It had been a tough day for him.

Ca: Aquell matí, mentre anava a comprar pa, algú li havia robat la bicicleta.
En: That morning, while he was out buying bread, someone had stolen his bicycle.

Ca: La bicicleta no era una bicicleta qualsevol; era un regal del seu pare, que havia mort l'any passat.
En: This wasn't just any bicycle; it was a gift from their father, who had passed away the previous year.

Ca: “Mira, Xavi, anirem a la comissaria i expliquem el que ha passat.
En: "Look, Xavi, we'll go to the police station and explain what happened.

Ca: Estic segura que ens ajudaran a trobar-la,” va dir Ariadna, intentant tranquil·litzar-lo.
En: I'm sure they'll help us find it," Ariadna said, trying to calm him.

Ca: Pero la veritat, ella mateixa no estava segura del que passaria.
En: But the truth was, she wasn't sure what would happen herself.

Ca: Quan van arribar a la comissaria, van veure en Jordi, un agent de policia, que estava ocupat amb moltes altres denúncies.
En: When they arrived at the police station, they saw Jordi, a police officer, who was busy with many other reports.

Ca: La sala era un caos, plena de persones que cridaven, alguns intentant parlar amb els oficials, altres esperant resignats.
En: The room was chaotic, filled with people shouting, some trying to talk to the officers, others waiting resignedly.

Ca: “Perdoni, senyor,” Ariadna va dir a en Jordi quan va tenir l'oportunitat.
En: "Excuse me, sir," Ariadna said to Jordi when she got a chance.

Ca: “Al meu germà li han robat la bicicleta aquest matí... És la seva bicicleta preferida.”
En: "My brother's bicycle was stolen this morning... It's his favorite bike."

Ca: En Jordi va aixecar la vista.
En: Jordi looked up.

Ca: Els seus ulls cansats es van fixar en Xavi i en Ariadna.
En: His tired eyes focused on Xavi and Ariadna.

Ca: “Ho sento molt, nena.
En: "I'm very sorry, miss.

Ca: Avui hi ha molt de moviment per la festa.
En: There's a lot going on today because of the festival.

Ca: Faré el possible, però pot ser que trigui una mica.”
En: I'll do my best, but it might take some time."

Ca: Ariadna va respirar fons i va mirar el seu germà, que es veia desesperat.
En: Ariadna took a deep breath and looked at her brother, who appeared desperate.

Ca: No podia deixar que això passés.
En: She couldn't let this happen.

Ca: “Siusplau, hem d’aconseguir-la.
En: "Please, we have to get it back.

Ca: Era del nostre pare.”
En: It was our father's."

Ca: En Jordi va assentir amb comprensió, però estava clar que estava sobrepassat per la situació.
En: Jordi nodded with understanding, but it was clear he was overwhelmed by the situation.

Ca: Ariadna va decidir prendre la iniciativa.
En: Ariadna decided to take the initiative.

Ca: “Tornarem a la Rambla, Xavi.
En: "We'll go back to La Rambla, Xavi.

Ca: Mirarem de trobar-la nosaltres mateixos.”
En: We'll try to find it ourselves."

Ca: Van caminar de tornada a la Rambla de Cataluña, buscant qualsevol signe de la bicicleta.
En: They walked back to La Rambla de Catalunya, looking for any sign of the bicycle.

Ca: Al cap d’una estona, Ariadna va veure un home sospitós des de lluny, amb alguna cosa que brillava.
En: After a while, Ariadna saw a suspicious man from afar with something shiny.

Ca: Era la bicicleta de Xavi.
En: It was Xavi's bicycle.

Ca: “Ariadna! És la meva bici!” va cridar Xavi amb emoció.
En: "Ariadna! It's my bike!" Xavi shouted with excitement.

Ca: L’home intentava barrejar-se amb la multitud, però no ho van permetre.
En: The man tried to blend in with the crowd, but they didn't allow it.

Ca: Ariadna es va enfrontar a ell directament.
En: Ariadna confronted him directly.

Ca: “Aquesta bicicleta no és teva.
En: "This bicycle isn't yours.

Ca: Dona-la'ns,” va exigir Ariadna amb fermesa.
En: Give it back to us," Ariadna demanded firmly.

Ca: Diverses persones al seu voltant van començar a adonar-se del que passava i a donar-li suport.
En: Several people around them began to realize what was happening and started to support her.

Ca: L’home, sentint la pressió, va deixar la bicicleta i va escapar.
En: The man, feeling the pressure, let go of the bicycle and fled.

Ca: Amb la bicicleta de Xavi recuperada, es van sentir alleugerits.
En: With Xavi’s bicycle recovered, they felt relieved.

Ca: Just llavors, en Jordi va arribar, alertat per les altres persones.
En: Just then, Jordi arrived, alerted by others.

Ca: “Ben fet, nena,” va dir amb un somriure cansat.
En: "Well done, miss," he said with a tired smile.

Ca: “Heu fet una bona feina.
En: "You did a great job.

Ca: Ara farem l’informe, i perseguirem aquell lladre.”
En: Now we'll file the report and go after that thief."

Ca: Xavi estava eufòric amb la seva bicicleta de tornada.
En: Xavi was euphoric to have his bicycle back.

Ca: Ariadna va aprendre que, tot i que a vegades calia actuar pel seu compte, també havia d'entendre les dificultats dels policies.
En: Ariadna learned that, although sometimes it was necessary to act on her own, she also had to understand the difficulties police officers faced.

Ca: En Jordi, d’altra banda, va agrair l’ajuda, veient com de determinades podien ser les persones en moments desesperats.
En: Jordi, on the other hand, appreciated the help, witnessing how determined people could be in desperate moments.

Ca: L'alegria de la recuperació de la bicicleta va donar pas a un final feliç per al festival de Sant Joan.
En: The joy of retrieving the bicycle led to a happy ending for the Sant Joan festival.

Ca: Amb més respecte mutú, van saber que la justícia podia durar, però sempre arribava.
En: With greater mutual respect, they knew that justice might take time, but it always eventually prevailed.

Vocabulary Words:
  • the festival: la festa
  • the fireworks: els focs artificials
  • the police station: la comissaria
  • the officer: l'agent
  • the report: la denúncia
  • the crowd: la multitud
  • the thief: el lladre
  • the bicycle: la bicicleta
  • the bread: el pa
  • the gift: el regal
  • the sky: el cel
  • the hand: la mà
  • the father: el pare
  • the room: la sala
  • the man: l'home
  • the moment: el moment
  • the opportunity: l'oportunitat
  • the chaos: el caos
  • the eye: l'ull
  • the understanding: la comprensió
  • the initiative: la iniciativa
  • the sign: el signe
  • the support: el suport
  • the determination: la determinació
  • the solution: la solució
  • the relief: l'alleujament
  • the joy: l'alegria
  • the respect: el respecte
  • the justice: la justícia
  • the pressure: la pressió
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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