
Trolling the Fjords: The Transformation of Lars and Ingrid

24 de nov. de 2023 · 13m 30s
Trolling the Fjords: The Transformation of Lars and Ingrid

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 26s


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Trolling the Fjords: The Transformation of Lars and Ingrid Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Nb: En solfylt sommermorgen våknet...

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Trolling the Fjords: The Transformation of Lars and Ingrid
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Story Transcript:

Nb: En solfylt sommermorgen våknet Lars ved fjorden.
En: On a sunny summer morning, Lars woke up by the fjord.

Nb: Ingrid var allerede våken.
En: Ingrid was already awake.

Nb: Hun var hans beste venn og nabo.
En: She was his best friend and neighbor.

Nb: De bodde midt i de norske fjordene.
En: They lived in the middle of the Norwegian fjords.

Nb: I dag hadde de en stor plan.
En: Today they had a big plan.

Nb: De skulle skremme turister.
En: They wanted to scare tourists.

Nb: De ville etterligne troll.
En: They wanted to imitate trolls.

Nb: Ingrid sa det ville være gøy.
En: Ingrid said it would be fun.

Nb: De begynte forberedelsene.
En: They started preparing.

Nb: De fant gamle, skitne klær.
En: They found old, dirty clothes.

Nb: De smurte seg inn med leire for å se skitne ut.
En: They smeared themselves with mud to look dirty.

Nb: De tok på seg store støvler.
En: They put on big boots.

Nb: De så virkelig ut som troll nå.
En: They really looked like trolls now.

Nb: Turistene begynte å komme.
En: The tourists started to arrive.

Nb: Lars og Ingrid gjemte seg bak trærne.
En: Lars and Ingrid hid behind the trees.

Nb: Når en turistgruppe kom forbi, hoppet de fram.
En: When a group of tourists passed by, they jumped out.

Nb: De begynte å rope og knurre.
En: They started shouting and growling.

Nb: Turistene ble skremt!
En: The tourists got scared!

Nb: De skrek og løp vekk.
En: They screamed and ran away.

Nb: Lars og Ingrid lo hele dagen.
En: Lars and Ingrid laughed all day.

Nb: De skremte mange turistgrupper.
En: They scared many groups of tourists.

Nb: De følte seg som ekte troll.
En: They felt like real trolls.

Nb: Men når kvelden kom, begynte de å bli redde.
En: But when evening came, they started to get scared.

Nb: De så fremdeles ut som troll.
En: They still looked like trolls.

Nb: De begynte å skremme seg selv i speilet.
En: They started scaring themselves in the mirror.

Nb: De sprang hjem til husene sine.
En: They ran back to their homes.

Nb: De vasket bort leiren.
En: They washed off the mud.

Nb: De tok av seg de skitne klærne.
En: They took off the dirty clothes.

Nb: Men de var fremdeles redde.
En: But they were still scared.

Nb: De følte fremdeles at de var troll.
En: They still felt like trolls.

Nb: Så prøvde de å snakke med hverandre.
En: So, they tried to talk to each other.

Nb: De innså at det var dumt å skremme folk.
En: They realized that scaring people was silly.

Nb: De innså at det ikke var fint å være troll.
En: They realized that it wasn't nice to be a troll.

Nb: De bestemte seg for at det var best å være seg selv.
En: They decided that it was best to be themselves.

Nb: Neste morgen våknet Lars ved fjorden.
En: The next morning, Lars woke up by the fjord.

Nb: Solen skinte og Ingrid var allerede våken.
En: The sun was shining and Ingrid was already awake.

Nb: De lo av hva de hadde gjort.
En: They laughed about what they had done.

Nb: De visste at de aldri ville prøve å være troll igjen.
En: They knew they would never try to be trolls again.

Nb: De var glad for å være bare Lars og Ingrid, beste venner ved den vakre norske fjorden.
En: They were happy to just be Lars and Ingrid, best friends by the beautiful Norwegian fjord.

Nb: Og fra den dagen, hver gang turistene kom, viste de dem det virkelige Norge.
En: And from that day on, whenever tourists came, they showed them the real Norway.

Nb: De lærte dem om fjordene.
En: They taught them about the fjords.

Nb: De lærte dem om naturen.
En: They taught them about nature.

Nb: De lærte dem om det norske livet.
En: They taught them about Norwegian life.

Nb: Og turistene elsket det.
En: And the tourists loved it.

Nb: Og Lars og Ingrid var lykkelige.
En: And Lars and Ingrid were happy.

Nb: De visste at det var bedre å være seg selv, enn å prøve å være noe de ikke var.
En: They knew it was better to be themselves than to try to be something they were not.

Nb: Hemmeligheten var å være ærlig, vennlig og god.
En: The secret was to be honest, friendly, and kind.

Vocabulary Words:
  • On: En
  • sunny: solfylt
  • summer: sommer
  • morning: morgen
  • Lars: Lars
  • woke up: våknet
  • by: ved
  • the fjord: fjorden
  • Ingrid: Ingrid
  • already: allerede
  • awake: våken
  • She: Hun
  • was: var
  • his: hans
  • best: beste
  • friend: venn
  • and: og
  • neighbor: nabo
  • They: De
  • lived: bodde
  • in the middle: midt i
  • of: i
  • the: de
  • Norwegian: norske
  • fjords: fjordene
  • today: i dag
  • had: hadde
  • a big: en stor
  • plan: plan
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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