
When Plan B Prevails: A Day at Franjo Tuđman Airport

23 de jul. de 2024 · 17m 18s
When Plan B Prevails: A Day at Franjo Tuđman Airport

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 44s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: When Plan B Prevails: A Day at Franjo Tuđman Airport Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce je visoko...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: When Plan B Prevails: A Day at Franjo Tuđman Airport
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Sunce je visoko na nebu nad Zagrebom.
En: The sun is high in the sky over Zagreb.

Hr: Ljeto je u punom jeku.
En: Summer is in full swing.

Hr: Franjo Tuđman Međunarodna zračna luka je puna ljudi.
En: Franjo Tuđman International Airport is full of people.

Hr: Niko i Ivana trče kroz terminal.
En: Niko and Ivana are running through the terminal.

Hr: "Brže, brže!
En: "Faster, faster!"

Hr: " viče Niko.
En: yells Niko.

Hr: On je srednji menadžer.
En: He is a mid-level manager.

Hr: Ima važan poslovni sastanak u Parizu.
En: He has an important business meeting in Paris.

Hr: Ivana je njegovo smirenje.
En: Ivana is his calm.

Hr: Ona je iskusna putnica.
En: She is an experienced traveler.

Hr: "Sve će biti u redu," kaže Ivana tiho.
En: "Everything will be fine," Ivana says quietly.

Hr: Staju ispred sigurnosne provjere.
En: They stop in front of the security check.

Hr: Red je dugačak.
En: The line is long.

Hr: Prolazi vrijeme.
En: Time passes.

Hr: Niko je znojav, nervozan.
En: Niko is sweaty and nervous.

Hr: "Ne možemo ovo propustiti," kaže napeto.
En: "We can't miss this," he says tensely.

Hr: Ivana ga pokušava smiriti.
En: Ivana tries to calm him.

Hr: "Postoji plan B," šapće.
En: "There's a plan B," she whispers.

Hr: Napokon stižu do vrata, ali prekasno.
En: Finally, they reach the gate, but it's too late.

Hr: Avion za Pariz je već odletio.
En: The plane to Paris has already taken off.

Hr: Niko je očajan.
En: Niko is desperate.

Hr: "Što sad?
En: "What now?"

Hr: " pita.
En: he asks.

Hr: Ivana odmah reagira.
En: Ivana reacts immediately.

Hr: "Potraži drugi let, možda standby," predlaže.
En: "Find another flight, maybe standby," she suggests.

Hr: Niko daje sve od sebe.
En: Niko gives it his all.

Hr: Razgovara s agentima na šalteru.
En: He talks to the agents at the counter.

Hr: "Ima li mjesta?
En: "Are there any seats?"

Hr: " pita.
En: he asks.

Hr: Preporučuju mu alternatni let, ali mjesta su ograničena.
En: They recommend an alternative flight, but the seats are limited.

Hr: Spremni su.
En: They are ready.

Hr: Čekaju rezultate.
En: They wait for the results.

Hr: Iznad njih, ekran pokazuje "odgođeno".
En: Above them, the screen shows "delayed."

Hr: Niko udara nogom o pod.
En: Niko stomps his foot on the ground.

Hr: "Kako je moguće?
En: "How is this possible?

Hr: Sve ide krivo.
En: Everything is going wrong."

Hr: " Ivana ga uhvati za ruku.
En: Ivana takes his hand.

Hr: "Smiri se.
En: "Calm down.

Hr: Imam plan," kaže.
En: I have a plan," she says.

Hr: "Spoji se virtualno na sastanak.
En: "Connect to the meeting virtually.

Hr: Bolje išta nego ništa.
En: Better something than nothing."

Hr: "Niko je razmislio.
En: Niko thought about it.

Hr: Mora vjerovati Ivani.
En: He must trust Ivana.

Hr: Uzimaju mjesto u loungeu.
En: They take a seat in the lounge.

Hr: Mirno je.
En: It's peaceful.

Hr: Ivana postavlja laptop.
En: Ivana sets up the laptop.

Hr: Veza uspostavljena.
En: The connection is established.

Hr: Sastanak počinje.
En: The meeting begins.

Hr: Prisutni su svi dužnosnici.
En: All the officials are present.

Hr: Niko se predstavi.
En: Niko introduces himself.

Hr: Glas mu je stabilan.
En: His voice is steady.

Hr: Svi ga slušaju pažljivo.
En: Everyone listens to him carefully.

Hr: Sastanak završava uspješno.
En: The meeting ends successfully.

Hr: Niko uzdahne s olakšanjem.
En: Niko sighs with relief.

Hr: "Ivana, hvala," kaže.
En: "Ivana, thank you," he says.

Hr: Napokon shvaća.
En: He finally realizes.

Hr: Ponekad planovi B uspiju bolje od planova A.
En: Sometimes plan B works out better than plan A.

Hr: Više cijeni Ivaninu smirenost i iskustvo.
En: He appreciates Ivana's calmness and experience more.

Hr: Naučio je važnu lekciju.
En: He learned an important lesson.

Hr: "Uvijek računa na tebe," kaže s osmijehom.
En: "I can always count on you," he says with a smile.

Hr: Ivana mu se nasmiješi natrag.
En: Ivana smiles back at him.

Hr: "Uvijek ću biti ovdje," odgovara.
En: "I will always be here," she replies.

Hr: Zračna luka je još uvijek puna ljudi, ali sada se čini manje stresnom.
En: The airport is still full of people, but now it seems less stressful.

Hr: Za Niku i Ivanu, to je bio uspješan dan.
En: For Niko and Ivana, it was a successful day.

Hr: Završili su svoj dan uz kavu.
En: They ended their day with a coffee.

Hr: Sunce je i dalje sjalo nad Zagrebom, a zračna luka bila je ispunjena ljetnom energijom.
En: The sun was still shining over Zagreb, and the airport was filled with summer energy.

Hr: No za Niku, najvažnije je što je naučio da se može osloniti na Ivanu i na promjene planova.
En: But for Niko, the most important thing was that he learned he could rely on Ivana and on changing plans.

Hr: Život je pun iznenađenja, i to je dio njegove ljepote.
En: Life is full of surprises, and that's part of its beauty.

Vocabulary Words:
  • high: visoko
  • summer: ljeto
  • international: međunarodna
  • terminal: terminal
  • experienced: iskusna
  • calmness: smirenje
  • security: sigurnosne
  • check: provjere
  • sweaty: znojav
  • nervous: nervozan
  • tensely: napeto
  • whispers: šapće
  • desperate: očajan
  • agents: agentima
  • alternative: alternatni
  • limited: ograničena
  • results: rezultate
  • delayed: odgođeno
  • smiri: smiri
  • connect: spoji
  • virtually: virtualno
  • officials: dužnosnici
  • carefully: pažljivo
  • relief: olakšanjem
  • appreciates: cijeni
  • lesson: lekciju
  • plan: plan
  • less: manje
  • stressful: stresnom
  • energy: energijom
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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