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A Choral Sea

  • E11 - firefly REMIX (harvest #1)

    29 JUN. 2023 · Remix installed at the AfricaTube exhibition (Belgium) in collaboration with Wasa Centre & Lumbung Radio
    Escuchado 15m 20s
  • E10 - MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION 4: 46°17′18″ N 7°31′15″ E (Hafiza Asmal Valodia, Salomé Coste Blochet, Alexander Fritz)

    12 MAR. 2023 · MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION édhéa - MAPS (Master of Arts in Public Spheres), Sierre 20-23 February 2023 "I sometimes wonder what was disappeared first, among all the things that have vanished from the island... Things go on disappearing, one by one.” Yoko Ogawa - The Memory Police In Yoko Ogawa’s novel, The Memory Police, things whose existence and durability were once taken for granted are made to disappear quite arbitrarily, and not long afterwards, also the memory that they had ever existed. Speculatively projecting ourselves into the dystopia imagined by Ogawa – one that is not so far from certain ecological, political and technological contexts of today’s world - we ask ourselves how we can develop mnemosonic strategies and forms to keep alive not only the knowledge but the sense and feel of what is most precious to us. Perhaps more than images, it is sound that can carry and preserve the affective relation we have to objects, ideas, experiences, species, languages, emotions, forms of life at risk of disappearing. "Mnemosonic Recollection" is an invitation to use radio as a mode of resistance to cancellation, forgetting, oblivion. MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION 4: 46°17′18″ N 7°31′15″ E (Hafiza Asmal Valodia, Salomé Coste Blochet, Alexander Fritz) Disappearance of Disappearance. Disappearance of this appearance That things do disappear. Disappearance a limit of understanding transformation. Possessed by preservation To observe transformation Transforming time itself. Becoming disappearance. Cataloguing and categorising With ridiculous perseverance to maintain A meaning for disappearance. Left in an archive As it accumulates to create A reappearance of things in disappearance. Rights of access to new ears To reappear In an attention sphere To remember all the things that disappear. Stay clear of a fear to Understand Transformation. Deleted when repeated. Where do things go when they disappear? MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION A workshop led by Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson with Shatha Afify, Flurina Brügger, Mohamed Elbakry, Alexander Fritz, Clément Lambelet, Louis Levesque, Jonathan Levy, Nižic Anica Lora, Florian Rubin, Salomé Coste Blochet, Malgorzata Stankiewicz, Hafiza Asmal Valodia Many thanks to Bertrand Emaresi, Petra Koehle & Nicolas Vermot-Petit-Outhenin
    Escuchado 8m 38s
  • E09 - MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION 3: A STRANGE NAP (Jonathan Levy-Forcada)

    6 MAR. 2023 · MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION édhéa - MAPS (Master of Arts in Public Spheres), Sierre 20-23 February 2023 "I sometimes wonder what was disappeared first, among all the things that have vanished from the island... Things go on disappearing, one by one.” Yoko Ogawa - The Memory Police In Yoko Ogawa’s novel, The Memory Police, things whose existence and durability were once taken for granted are made to disappear quite arbitrarily, and not long afterwards, also the memory that they had ever existed. Speculatively projecting ourselves into the dystopia imagined by Ogawa – one that is not so far from certain ecological, political and technological contexts of today’s world - we ask ourselves how we can develop mnemosonic strategies and forms to keep alive not only the knowledge but the sense and feel of what is most precious to us. Perhaps more than images, it is sound that can carry and preserve the affective relation we have to objects, ideas, experiences, species, languages, emotions, forms of life at risk of disappearing. "Mnemosonic Recollection" is an invitation to use radio as a mode of resistance to cancellation, forgetting, oblivion. EPISODE 3: A STRANGE NAP (by Jonathan Levy-Forcada) Under the metal tree, in the park, I came upon Dystopia and Utopia. It was a strange nap. Using field-recordings gathered in Sierre and Geneva, this sound piece was created around the feelings of estrangement and anxiety. Using AI as a tool to inject randomness into the process, the text was built as a cut-up of words from Thomas More’s Utopia and Donna Haraway’s Chtulucene. Fragments of these texts were then put into an AI engine to create sentences consisting of only verbs and adjectives. These sentences, or verbal poetry, were then given to a AI voice-generator to create the chorus of this eerie, multi-layered soundscape. MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION a workshop led by Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson with Shatha Afify, Flurina Brügger, Mohamed Elbakry, Alexander Fritz, Clément Lambelet, Louis Levesque, Jonathan Levy-Forcada, Nižic Anica Lora, Florian Rubin, Salomé Coste Blochet, Malgorzata Stankiewicz, Hafiza Asmal Valodia Many thanks to Bertrand Emaresi, Petra Koehle & Nicolas Vermot-Petit-Outhenin
    Escuchado 10m 14s
  • E08 - MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION 2: A Major Disappearance of a Minor Voice (Mohamed Elbakry & Clément Lambelet)

    3 MAR. 2023 · Mnemosonic Recollection édhéa - MAPS (Master of Arts in Public Spheres), Sierre 20-23 February 2023 "I sometimes wonder what was disappeared first, among all the things that have vanished from the island... Things go on disappearing, one by one.” Yoko Ogawa - The Memory Police In Yoko Ogawa’s novel, The Memory Police, things whose existence and durability were once taken for granted are made to disappear quite arbitrarily, and not long afterwards, also the memory that they had ever existed. Speculatively projecting ourselves into the dystopia imagined by Ogawa – one that is not so far from certain ecological, political and technological contexts of today’s world - we ask ourselves how we can develop mnemosonic strategies and forms to keep alive not only the knowledge but the sense and feel of what is most precious to us. Perhaps more than images, it is sound that can carry and preserve the affective relation we have to objects, ideas, experiences, species, languages, emotions, forms of life at risk of disappearing. "Mnemosonic Recollection" is an invitation to use radio as a mode of resistance to cancellation, forgetting, oblivion. EPISODE 02 - A Major Disappearance of a Minor Voice (Mohamed Elbakry & Clément Lambelet) This piece follows a character's journey navigating the challenges of a bustling city. As he navigates his environment, he constantly struggles to assert his voice and tell his story while contending with safety, vulnerability and uncertainty issues. Through this character's story, listeners will glimpse how marginalized communities must constantly claim and reclaim their voices to find a sense of belonging in the world around them. MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION a workshop led by Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson with Shatha Afify, Flurina Brügger, Mohamed Elbakry, Alexander Fritz, Clément Lambelet, Louis Levesque, Jonathan Levy, Nižic Anica Lora, Florian Rubin, Salomé Coste Blochet, Malgorzata Stankiewicz, Hafiza Asmal Valodia Many thanks to Bertrand Emaresi, Petra Koehle & Nicolas Vermot-Petit-Outhenin
    Escuchado 10m 23s
  • E07 - MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION 1: echoELSE (Flurina Brügger and Louis Levesque)

    3 MAR. 2023 · Mnemosonic Recollection édhéa - MAPS (Master of Arts in Public Spheres), Sierre 20-23 February 2023 "I sometimes wonder what was disappeared first, among all the things that have vanished from the island... Things go on disappearing, one by one.” Yoko Ogawa - The Memory Police In Yoko Ogawa’s novel, The Memory Police, things whose existence and durability were once taken for granted are made to disappear quite arbitrarily, and not long afterwards, also the memory that they had ever existed. Speculatively projecting ourselves into the dystopia imagined by Ogawa – one that is not so far from certain ecological, political and technological contexts of today’s world - we ask ourselves how we can develop mnemosonic strategies and forms to keep alive not only the knowledge but the sense and feel of what is most precious to us. Perhaps more than images, it is sound that can carry and preserve the affective relation we have to objects, ideas, experiences, species, languages, emotions, forms of life at risk of disappearing. "Mnemosonic Recollection" is an invitation to use radio as a mode of resistance to cancellation, forgetting, oblivion. EPISODE 01 - Echoelse (Flurina Brügger and Louis Levesque) If music playing devices crashed tomorrow and all our playlists became obsolete, what song would you remember? Would it be a melody or a lyric, or both? It has been proven that music can help people with end-stage Alzheimer’s disease, as if it could transcend illness and re-establish a forgotten relation with our recollections. In most cities, bird songs are disappearing under the noise of “progress”, while street whistlers, humming lovers or buzzing melancholics are taking flight too. So, what do we remember now, collectively? Interested in these questions, we went to listen to vestiges of song memories that inhabit the wanderers of the Swiss town of Sierre. MNEMOSONIC RECOLLECTION a workshop led by Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson with Shatha Afify, Flurina Brügger, Mohamed Elbakry, Alexander Fritz, Clément Lambelet, Louis Levesque, Jonathan Levy, Nižic Anica Lora, Florian Rubin, Salomé Coste Blochet, Malgorzata Stankiewicz, Hafiza Asmal Valodia Many thanks to Bertrand Emaresi, Petra Koehle & Nicolas Vermot-Petit-Outhenin
    Escuchado 8m 44s
  • E06 - atelier automatique (Versuch einer dokumentarischen Anverwandlung)

    8 ENE. 2023 · atelier automatique (Versuch einer dokumentarischen Anverwandlung) von Knieb & Krempels Vielleicht sollten wir nur noch so reisen: Von einem unabhängigen, experimentellen und gemeinschaftlich verwalteten Ort zum nächsten. Mit den Menschen sprechen, die das Entstehen dieser Orte begleitet, in ihnen gelebt und gearbeitet haben, die die Probleme vor Ort kennen und erklären können, warum diese Praxis und jener Begriff wichtig geworden sind. Die eine Meinung dazu haben, was Ästhetik mit Politik zu tun hat, und was Öffentlichkeit heißt. Die um die Bedeutung von Infrastrukturen wissen und im informellen Zusammenkommen Vieler in lokalen Konstellationen ein revolutionäres Potenzial sehen. Vielleicht könnte eine solche Reise hier und heute (wieder) beginnen. Die experimentelle Audio-Dokumentation (Skript und Regie: Christofer Schmidt) porträtiert das atelier automatique, einen gemeinschaftlich verwalteten Ort für künstlerisches Praxis und alltägliche Kulturarbeit im Ruhrgebiet. Das Hörstück entstand im Rahmen der Residenz farsi comune. Zu Gemeinwohl, Kulturarbeit und Commons im Sommer 2022. https://atelierautomatique.de/ atelier automatique (attempt at a documentary adaptation) by Knieb & Krempels Maybe we should, from now on, travel only like that: from one independent, experimental and self-organized place to the next. Talk to the people who have accompanied the emergence of these places, who have lived and worked in them, who know the local problems and can explain why this practice and that term have become important. To those who have an opinion on what aesthetics has to do with politics and what it means to take care of the so-called public sphere. To those who are aware of the importance of infrastructures and see the revolutionary potential in the informal coming together of the many in local constellations. Maybe such a journey could start (again) here and now. The experimental audio documentation (script and direction: Christofer Schmidt) portrays the atelier automatique, a community-managed place for artistic practice and everyday cultural work in the Ruhr area. The radio play was created as part of the artistic residency “farsi comune. On cultural work, community and commons” in Summer 2022. https://atelierautomatique.de/
    Escuchado 26m 17s
  • E05 - Guattari+30 - avec Franco Berardi BIFO (2)

    16 NOV. 2022 · Journées internationales à Paris 8 / Association Chaosmosemedia - 20-22 octobre 2022 We had the chance to participate in the Guattari+30 event and recorded some of the interventions, as well as fragments of a happening that took place in Ramuntcho Matta's Studio. We present here our second remix, with an extract from Franco Berardi BIFO's intervention. Thank you Bifo, buon ascolto! Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson Journées internationales GUATTARI +30 L’association Chaosmosemedia, l’Université de Paris 8 et le Collège International de philosophie co-organisent trois journées de rencontres transversales entre champs disciplinaires (philosophie, sciences de l’éducation, genre, musique/danse, cinéma/arts plastiques), et entre praticien·ne·s et clinicien·ne·s de la santé mentale, activistes, enseignant·e·s et étudiant·e·, autour d’investissements de désir que permettent l’œuvre et la pratique sociale de Guattari. Félix Guattari est mort fin août 1992, quelques mois après la publication de son dernier ouvrage Chaosmose, dont le dernier chapitre, « Pour une refondation des pratiques sociales » parait en octobre 1992 dans Le Monde diplomatique. L’ensemble de son œuvre constitue une critique radicale de la manière dont les sciences sociales, et notamment la psychanalyse, rendent impuissant·e·s face aux transformations du monde. Par sa présence amicale et décisive aux côtés de tous les mouvements du moment, il a affirmé résolument que de nouvelles voies pouvaient être trouvées pour les passions transformatrices. Il a proposé à l’université et dans toute la société de mobiliser de nouvelles subjectivités collectives et/ou « quelconques », de nouveaux rapports entre mouvements des corps, territoires, esthétique et éthique. Comment cartographier une subjectivité qui n’est pas encore là ? Comment articuler de nouveaux rapports de flux, de machines, d’univers incorporels et de territoires, dans le contexte de la guerre en Europe et du dérèglement climatique? Comment contourner la résurgence de micro/macro fascismes dans les transformations subjectives de grande ampleur que provoque un tel contexte? More information on https://chaosmosemedia.net/
    Escuchado 7m 50s
  • E04 - Guattari+30 - avec Peter Pal Pelbart (1)

    6 NOV. 2022 · Journées internationales à Paris 8 / Association Chaosmosemedia - 20-22 octobre 2022 We had the chance to participate in the Guattari+30 event and recorded some of the interventions, as well as fragments of a happening that took place in Ramuntcho Matta's Studio. We present here our first remix, with Brazilian philosopher Peter Pál Pelbart. Thank you Peter, e buon ascolto! Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson Journées internationales GUATTARI +30 L’association Chaosmosemedia, l’Université de Paris 8 et le Collège International de philosophie co-organisent trois journées de rencontres transversales entre champs disciplinaires (philosophie, sciences de l’éducation, genre, musique/danse, cinéma/arts plastiques), et entre praticien·ne·s et clinicien·ne·s de la santé mentale, activistes, enseignant·e·s et étudiant·e·, autour d’investissements de désir que permettent l’œuvre et la pratique sociale de Guattari. Félix Guattari est mort fin août 1992, quelques mois après la publication de son dernier ouvrage Chaosmose, dont le dernier chapitre, « Pour une refondation des pratiques sociales » parait en octobre 1992 dans Le Monde diplomatique. L’ensemble de son œuvre constitue une critique radicale de la manière dont les sciences sociales, et notamment la psychanalyse, rendent impuissant·e·s face aux transformations du monde. Par sa présence amicale et décisive aux côtés de tous les mouvements du moment, il a affirmé résolument que de nouvelles voies pouvaient être trouvées pour les passions transformatrices. Il a proposé à l’université et dans toute la société de mobiliser de nouvelles subjectivités collectives et/ou « quelconques », de nouveaux rapports entre mouvements des corps, territoires, esthétique et éthique. Comment cartographier une subjectivité qui n’est pas encore là ? Comment articuler de nouveaux rapports de flux, de machines, d’univers incorporels et de territoires, dans le contexte de la guerre en Europe et du dérèglement climatique? Comment contourner la résurgence de micro/macro fascismes dans les transformations subjectives de grande ampleur que provoque un tel contexte? More information on https://chaosmosemedia.net/
    Escuchado 38m 51s
  • E03 - Sonic Investigations of the Infra-Commons 3

    28 JUL. 2021 · The three podcasts that make up Sonic Investigations of the Infra-Commons are fruit of a workshop led by Silvia Maglioni, Graeme Thomson and Giulia Crisci which took place in June 2021 as part of the Summer Academy of the National Theatre of Mannheim (Germany), conceived and accompanied by Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs and Laura Strack. The inspiration for the workshop was to revisit, in the light of the ongoing pandemic, Félix Guattari's idea for a science-fiction film, "A Love of UIQ", involving an infra-quark particle that begins to spread virally, causing disturbances and mutations in society and the natural world, and affecting both living beings and machines. Experimenting with speculative narration, reciprocal maieutics, languages, sound, rhythm and affect, we tried to imagine intensive new gestures and collective ways of re-appropriating time, care and autonomy. Three groups worked together to reimagine this infinitely small particle in terms of a contagion that might have beneficial and potentially healing properties and to produce a podcast presenting the ideas, sounds and recordings they came up with in whatever form they wished. PODCAST 3 - Pieces of the Horizon Conceived and produced by Inga Bendukat, Svea Bischoff, Luke Casserly, Sui He Chung, Mbene Mwambene, Christofer Schmidt, Laura Strack and Katharina Walther. To you, the Listener: This soundscape was imagined from our time spent working together recently in Manheim as part of the workshop "Sonic Investigations of the Infra-commons". The project was woven together over two days by sitting under trees, pacing footpaths and talking to one another about the horizon lines in the city - and where we might go to find them. Ideally, you should listen to the podcast outdoors, in the place where you live. We propose you listen with a smartphone with headphones, and to carry an umbrella (if it's raining). Please allow 60 minutes of uninterrupted time, alone. To begin, please stand in the centre of the place you have chosen, put on your headphones and press play. Follow the suggestions you hear, pausing the podcast accordingly. Luke Casserly Many thanks to Laura Strack and Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs and Mannheim National Theatre (Schillertage Festival) Series introduction: Graeme Thomson & Silvia Maglioni Music: Graeme Thomson
    Escuchado 11m 16s
  • E02 - Sonic Investigations of the Infra-Commons 2

    28 JUL. 2021 · The three podcasts that make up Sonic Investigations of the Infra-Commons are fruit of a workshop led by Silvia Maglioni, Graeme Thomson and Giulia Crisci which took place in June 2021 as part of the Summer Academy of the National Theatre of Mannheim (Germany), conceived and accompanied by Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs and Laura Strack. The inspiration for the workshop was to revisit, in the light of the ongoing pandemic, Félix Guattari's idea for a science-fiction film, "A Love of UIQ", involving an infra-quark particle that begins to spread virally, causing disturbances and mutations in society and the natural world, and affecting both living beings and machines. Experimenting with speculative narration, reciprocal maieutics, languages, sound, rhythm and affect, we tried to imagine intensive new gestures and collective ways of re-appropriating time, care and autonomy. Three groups worked together to reimagine this infinitely small particle in terms of a contagion that might have beneficial and potentially healing properties and to produce a podcast presenting the ideas, sounds and recordings they came up with in whatever form they wished. PODCAST 2 - Speed Philosophy Conceived and produced by Aria Baghestani, Rabia Çalışkan, Amelie Herrmann, Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs, Joana Wardenga and Nicolas Sidiropolus. Six people are sitting around a table. They ask each other basic questions about contemporary life: connectedness to time and nature, self understanding, motivations in life, the meaning of touch… Following these interests, the interweaving one-to-one conversations become an exploration of our common fragilities. Can we turn into a forest? Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs Series introduction: Graeme Thomson & Silvia Maglioni Music: Graeme Thomson Many thanks to Laura Strack, Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs and the National Theatre of Mannheim (Schillertage Festival).
    Escuchado 11m 7s

Sound works, transmissions and sonic projects originating from collective processes where singularities come together to form a chorus - from alternative summer schools to radical academies to workshops, study group...

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Sound works, transmissions and sonic projects originating from collective processes where singularities come together to form a chorus - from alternative summer schools to radical academies to workshops, study group and convivial spaces.
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