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Cate Grieves, A Course in Miracles

  • Childrens toys analogy C29,IX Recorded 17Mar24

    24 MAR. 2024 · This weeks analogy is taken from Chapter 29, Section IX The Forgiving Dream. We read through the whole section in the Satsang slowly.... this allows our mind to really understand and clarify exactly what the analogy of playing with children's toys, is pointing us to. "A dream of judgment came into the mind that God created perfect as Himself. How can God's Son awaken from the dream? IT IS A DREAM OF JUDGEMENT. So must he JUDGE NOT, and he WILL AWAKEN". (To awaken, we must be willing to let go of all judgement. We observe the judgement thought and let it go) "All figures in the dream ARE IDOLS, made to save you from the dream." (Like toys children play with, we are making the idols of the figures in the dream. We look to figures in the dream to save us, love us, approve of us etc and turn against them when they don't supply what we demand. If we are able to look at the figures as projections of the fear and guilt in our own mind, rather than a body to supply us with something... we can turn within rather than without.... we can turn to the Holy Spirit and His quiet answer. In this looking within, with the Holy Spirit, we can let go of all idols. We can turn to the Love of God within and be shown that we had a silly little dream of a desert, where tired and thirsty creatures come to die. We can awaken, through non-judgement of the dream figures and see that Infinite Love (God) would have absolutely NOTHING to do with a world of sickness, decay and death. We can pass this world by and live in the inner sanctuary of God's Love. Blessings dearest Holy Self. Love Cate and Shannon
    Escuchado 1h 34m 20s
  • The two pictures analogy - Our choice to perceive a body OR Christ holiness - C17, IV 10Mar24

    24 MAR. 2024 · This week we continue to take "time" to look deeply into another analogy from A Course in Miralces - this week we look into "The Two Pictures" section from Chapter 17, Section IV. Cate shares drawings of the two pictures during the video to help understanding of what Jesus is trying to present in this section and Shannon and Cate read and discuss the comparisons of perceiving the body or the holiness/sinlessless/purity. Sometime the Christ Mind, needs analogies to help us understand His teachings. He presents the two ways of perceiving, as us looking at two different pictures on a wall. He uses the analogy of the frame of the first picture to represent the body and body parts. Of course, the body and body parts are nothing, without the meaning our ego thought system projects onto them. The ego thought system also projects the ideas of "being saved" by this body - ideas that by being "with this body" it will get safety, happiness, being adored, love, kindness, all its needs met etc. This is all going on, when we look at an image in the dream, as a body that has a purpose for our special needs. Of course, our special needs are simply the ego thoughts in our mind, telling us that we have special needs. The ego thought system are simply thoughts, that keep us bound to an idea that we are a body, that there are bodies outside us and that our body needs another body for its happiness and security. The second picture represents how Christ would have us perceive our brother. He askes us to see only holiness, see only purity - The Christ. This is seen with the mind, not the eyes. Eyes just see shapes and colours and the ego makes up meanings to project onto the images. So, here, this second picture, represents our use of "time", held lightly, to keep looking past the body and see only the purity of Christ instead. Cate reads from Chapter 24, section VI Salvation from fear to help with the understanding of the different ways we can view our brother. The two pictures with frames and pictures, is a great analogy for how we look on our brother. It was truly wonderful to share this analogy and Let Him lead the way. Blessings and love to everyone, everywhere. We are One in Christ Mind. Love Shannon and Cate xo
    Escuchado 1h 20m 5s
  • The little sunbeam analogy - T18,8 Recorded 3Mar24

    24 MAR. 2024 · The first talk and meditation reading through the analogies by Jesus in ACIM. This week we give over the time to listen and meditate on the analogy of the smallest of sunbeams of the beautiful holy infinite golden light of the Sun. Taken from Chapter 18, Section VIII The Little Garden. Jesus loves to give us analogies so that we can allow these ideas to be used by the Holy Spirit to show us, how body identification is being used by the mind, to think it has split off and is now separate to Infinite Love and Happiness (God). Here are a few sentences from this little section that will help your mind, release all ego ideas that say you are just a little body or like I prefer to call it - skin, hair, fingernails and teeth. Am I really just these body parts? If I identify with the ego thought system, its thoughts will always refer to me as skin, hair, fingernails and teeth. The ego is my deep wish to flee from the guilt that I think is within and thus, identify as something that I can fence off from God. So, the ego thoughts say that safety lies in being skin, hair, fingernails and teeth. It says if I identify with these body parts, that I will be safe from a god that it says, is out to get me. (We need to see how absurd this concept is haha) From The Little Garden - The body is a tiny fence around a little part of a glorious and complete idea (God) This fragment of your mind (ego) is such a TINY part of it that, could you (decision maker) but appreciate the whole (God), you would see instantly that it is like the SMALLEST SUNBEAM to the SUN. In its amazing arrogance, this TINY SUNBEAM has decided IT IS THE SUN. Haha Think how frightened is this LITTLE THOUGHT, this infinitesimal illusion, holding itself apart, against the UNIVERSE (God). The sun (God) becomes the sunbeams (egos thought that I am a body) "enemy" that would devour it. Yet, the Sun is not even aware of all this strange and meaningless activity (God, being infinite Love and Happiness, is not even aware that you, the decision maker, has chosen the egos thoughts of being a body. God is not aware of the strange and meaningless thoughts that you, the "chooser" have chosen.) God, the Golden Sun of holy Love, has merely continued, unaware that they are feared or hated by this tiny infinitesimal segment of themselves. Even that little sunbeam, that thinks it is separate from the Sun, has not for one moment, actually been separate. How can a sunbeam be separate from the Sun? Isn't the sunbeam, the shining aspect of the Sun. Isn't the Love that You are, the Shining aspect of Infinite Love (God). The sunbeams whole existence still remains One within the Golden warm light of the Sun. Like the sun, your Self continues, unmindful that this tiny part regards itself as you. (Like the Infinite Love, your Self continues, unmindful that these tiny false ego thoughts, keep telling you that it is you) DO NOT ACCEPT this little fenced off aspect of yourself. The Sun is nothing beside what YOU ARE. The sunbeam sparkles ONLY IN THE SUNLIGHT. The Holy Self sparkles ONLY IN THE experience of Infinite Love (God) (I have left out references to the ripple and the ocean so that the mind can focus purely on the aspect of being a sunbeam that can never be separate from the Golden Sun that shines eternally) Blessings and Love from Cate and Shannon xo
    Escuchado 1h 1m 54s
  • Christ blessing our parents, children and others 25Feb2024

    24 MAR. 2024 · This week, Cate shares on forgiveness, then Shannon and Cate read part of W100 which then leads the group into a meditation where we allow the feeling of happiness to arise in us and contemplate the words "Our part in God's plan for Salvation IS TO BE HAPPY". All we are asked to do, to play our part, is to BE HAPPY! "Only this is asked of you or anyone who wants to take his place among God's messengers". How amazing is that! We just need to be happy! Lets smile and laugh xo In this fantastic lesson, we can simply decide to be happy and allow those feelings of happiness to arise in us, every hour for 5 minutes and think about that this is all Jesus wants us to do. He just wants us to show everyone our happy face. "You bring HIs happiness to all you look upon; His peace to everyone who looks on you and sees His message in your HAPPY FACE!" W100,6 After the meditation, Cate leads the group through the Christ blessing. This week, we do it silently by picturing the face of family members, friends, colleagues etc - anyone who the ego thoughts say "should change" or "treated you unfairly" or "can never be forgiven as they are too sinful". We remind ourselves that guilt never leaves our mind, and if we continue to think that we can hurl guilt out, we are wrong. We experience all the effects of thoughts of guilt, no matter whether they are about us or "other". Both are completely false and need not be entertained by simply noticing them and plucking them out of our mind. They are toxic. By seeing with the Spiritual Eye, we see innocence instead of guilt. Of course the eyes dont see guilt or innocence, so it is simply thoughts of guilt or innocence that we experience - thinking that the image is guilty. Hopefully you laugh at this! The Christ blessing is like a beautiful big broom that cleans the lies of the ego, out from the mind and leave it pristine in purity. If you are watching the video, please try to follow along with the instructions and apply the Christ Blessing to anyone the Holy Spirit brings into your mind. He knows! And then, to my surprise at the end of the blessings, I am guided to ask everyone to see if they can allow the feelings of happiness to arise again, like we did in the first meditation. This was to allow us to see that some of the guilt has cleared and it is easier for us to contact the feeling of pure happiness. All that is asked of us, is be willing. That is our part. To be willing to see Sinlessness in our brothers, instead of guilt and sin. When we are willing, we are more interested in doing this and then, there comes a time, in time, when the mind is cleaned up of all thoughts of guilt and the Sun just comes shining through and the mind is joined back to the infinite Sun - A Oneness joined as One. One Sun - no little sunbeam. Just pure Sun Light everywhere.  Love and hugs dearest holy one - I see only your pure Self. Blessings Love Cate and Shannon xo
    Escuchado 1h 16m 26s
  • The Christ in You - Joining with Jesus in our mind 18Feb24

    25 FEB. 2024 · This weeks Satsang focuses again on our invitation to The Christ whom we call Jesus. Jesus is a symbol in our mind of a divine, pure unconditional love. This symbol can be used as a way to undo all the false beliefs about ourselves. The Christ's Love has the healing balm to wash away all the beliefs in our mind. The ego is simply mistaken beliefs. Taken by us to be true. We listen all day long to lies about ourselves - the ego tells us that we are guilty, sinful and unworthy. Its thoughts/voice tell us we are bodies in a world of separate bodies. All these beliefs are false. But because we are immersed in these beliefs, Jesus is the love that undoes them, by shining HIs light into our mind. In one swoop, the belief in our guilty selves, our sinful selves and broken selves, can be undone. He shines away the belief in separation, guilt, sin and unworthiness by his tender love. He sees only pure innocence, pure divine holiness in you. And just one experience of HIs Love, one moment of his pure perception of you, will you be changed. In our groups, we give over time, to allow a space for us to come together in silence to invite Him in and we let go of everything we think about Him and what might happen.... to just empty our mind and let Him in. In this "unknowing", we allow Him to come in and show us something else. In the sharing of experiences, we must remember not to let the ego compare the form the experiences come as. All we need do, is notice that however it came in, the experience was peace, stillness and love. It is the experience we are interested in - not the way He uses anything to bring it in. So dont let the ego compare, as you listen to the sharings. Simply feel a hopefullness that this experience of His Love, will come when you are simply ready for it. Let us not hang onto that judgement that the ego loves to bring in. Simply notice the ego judging and let it go. Jesus says He will come and show you how beautiful you are and transform your mind. There will be a moment in time, when you simply turn to Him and say "I am ready" and He will be there. Appreciation to Shannon and all who joined in today and for the sharing. All these voices are simply whispers in the dream to the mind, to awaken it, to the wholeness that it already is. There are no people or world. There are just whispers in the dream to the mind asleep. The holy spirits voice whispering via images in the dream. Readings taken from Chapter 24, Section V THE CHRIST IN YOU. Blessings and love xo
    Escuchado 1h 36m 16s
  • Cate and Shannon and two members of the group share about their experience with Jesus. 11Feb24

    25 FEB. 2024 · This weeks Satsang and meditation, is based on developing a deeper and abiding trust in joining with the Love of Jesus. Cate and Shannon read from A Course in Miracles, Clarification of Terms, 5. Jesus-Christ to help the mind, deepen into a trust and then there are periods of silence, where we can invite Him in to be with us. Towards the end of the session, Cate, Shannon, Shon and Moncia share about their deep experiences with Jesus when they felt that strong desire to join Him. Please enjoy what comes through and know that you can join with Jesus. He is as close as your breath. His love is the healing balm for all wounds. Love and blessings, Cate and Shannon xo
    Escuchado 1h 33m 51s
  • Trusting the Holy Spirit 4Feb24

    25 FEB. 2024 · This week, I read through section 29 of A Course in Miracles in the "Manual for teachers" called "As for the rest..." This section tells us that... The curriculum is highly individualized and all aspects are under the HOLY SPIRIT's particular CARE AND GUIDANCE. ASK AND HE WILL ANSWER. The responsibility is HIS, and He alone is fit to assume it. To do so IS HIS FUNCTION! To refer the questions to HIM, is your function. Would you want to be responsible for decisions about which you understand so little? BE GLAD YOU HAVE A TEACHER WHO CANNOT MAKE A MISTAKE. HIS ANSWERS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT!!! Would you say that of yours??? Enjoy the teaching and sharing and meditations dearest brother. You are LOVED. You were created by love, as love. Rest in God. Rest in Love. Let love lead the way. Let it light up your mind so no dark spots remain. Trust the Holy Spirit to lead you. He is there for you. Simply get silent and ask and ready yourself to hear the divine message of your sinlessness.
    Escuchado 1h 2m 44s
  • Give me your blessing, holy Son of God -Week 4 of Christ Vision Satsang & Meditation W161

    1 FEB. 2024 · This week is our "Christ Blessing" week (last Sunday of each month) where we do a practice of blessing each other. This week, we do the blessing as instructed in Workbook Lesson 161 - "Give me your blessing, holy Son of God. I would behold you with the eyes of Christ, and see my perfect sinlessness in you." and then the second blessing, is where we hold 15 members of the group, one by one, in the light of Christ Vision for 2-3 minutes. At the end of the video, some of the participants share their experience of the blessings. If you are watching this at home, the first blessing meditation is really good for you. The second one, you are welcome to join in and try to hold each participant in the light of God's Love. I encourage you to say the Christ Blessing inwardly as each member is called. You may not see them, but that doesn't matter. Here is the Christ Blessing that Jesus gave to me to use as a blessing to all my brothers. I love you I bless you I honor you You are innocent You are sinless You are guiltless You are the Christ You are perfect You are whole You are complete You are holy, divine and pure Your sinlessness in guaranteed by God. I see you with the eyes of Christ I see my perfect sinlessness in you. Amen Love and hugs everyone. Remember, nothing has happened to cause our perfect creation as Perfect Love, to alter at any time. Love Cate and Shannon xo
    Escuchado 1h 54m 38s
  • Experience joining Jesus - Week 3 of Christ Vision experience . 21Jan24

    1 FEB. 2024 · Cate and Shannon read through Lesson 160 I am at home. Fear is the stranger here. "NOT ONE DOES CHRIST FORGET. NOT ONE HE FAILS TO GIVE YOU TO REMEMBER, THAT YOUR HOME MAY BE COMPLETE AND PERFECT AS IT WAS ESTABLISHED. HE HAS NOT FORGOTTEN YOU. But YOU will not remember HIM until YOU LOOK ON ALL AS HE DOES" W160,10 We invite Jesus in and join with Him in our meditation time. These zoom meetings are about coming into the experience of Oneness with Christ Mind. Appreciation to all who joined and who are watching now on YouTube. Let go. Let go. Let everything go and come to God empty of all of yourself. Blessings from Cate and Shannon xo
    Escuchado 1h 7m 20s
  • Lilies of Forgiveness - Week 2 of Christ Vision Satsang and meditation Jan14,2024

    1 FEB. 2024 · I give the miracles I have received (W159) is the basis of this weeks reading and sharing. "Christ's vision is the holy ground in which the lilies of forgiveness set their roots. This is their home. They can be brought from here back to the world, but they can never grow in it's un-nourishing and shallow soil. They need the light and warmth with which He looks on them. And they become His messengers, who give as they received. Take from His storehouse, that its treasures may increase. His lilies do not leave their home when they are carried back into the world. Their roots remain. They do not leave their source but carry its beneficence with them, and turn the world into a garden like the one they came from, and to which they go again with added fragrance. Now they are twice blessed! The meditation is based on the parable above. The lilies we give, have their roots in heaven. As we give, they increase and we are filled up with the abundance of love and gratitude, as we give. We give the miracle of God's Love that we have received. LOve and hugs to everyone, Love Cate and Shannon xxx I see only your holiness blessed beloved One xoxo The book I am holding in the video, is a book that Shannon and I collaborated on. The Holy Spirit gifted me these prayers and Shannon had the guidance on how to put the prayers together with the pictures, for the prayer books to be made. There are two prayer books available on Amazon "Holy Spirit Prayers for Surrender" and "Holy Spirit Prayers of Gratitude" by Cate Grieves.
    Escuchado 1h 10m 23s

Cate Grieves came across the non-duality teachings in  “A Course in Miracles” in a bookshop in 1999. In January 2013, she set an intention to undo all the fear thoughts...

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Cate Grieves came across the non-duality teachings in  “A Course in Miracles” in a bookshop in 1999. In January 2013, she set an intention to undo all the fear thoughts in her mind so she could experience this Peace of Mind the course offers.

Little did she know, that her mind would go through a massive transformation and that 12 months later she would have a revelation experience and then a further 12 months later, an awakening to this Perfect Love - An amazing experience of being ONE with everything. Nothing outside it. Empty of self. Experiencing the present moment as all that is. And fully in love with all that is. Everything joined. Everything as LOVE. A mind being incredibly QUIET.

And in that instant, all the teachings illuminated as KNOWN.

Learn more about Cate:
Website: www.categrieves.com
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTwbitUZNcMcf_mpaQYi4Ow
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MissLily247
Join her private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/314422878894616
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