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Reconnect to Your Greatness

  • “This is My Moment”

    16 NOV. 2022 · I was recently interviewed on a podcast called “This is My Moment” by Patrick Mitchell https://www.thisismymoment.com/ Patrick is an incredible interviewer and a man who genuinely cares about helping people and I really enjoyed the conversation that we had. Throughout the show I kept reflecting on the power behind the statement “this is my moment.” Often times when we think about ‘our moment’ rethink about maybe an at bat in the bottom of the ninth inning, or the last second shot at the buzzer at a basketball game, or a work presentation where we are presenting to a large client, or even a big date. Those are certainly big moments and can absolutely play a major role in our life. But truthfully where my mind ultimately kept going back to as I was reflecting on the theme of Patrick’s show ‘This is My Moment’ was some of the different low points in my life. Points in time where I maybe didn't consciously realize it, but I was asking myself in that difficult moment ‘why is this happening for me’ versus ‘why is this happening to me.’ It was in these few pivotal, but incredibly challenging moments, that I was able to reshape or reframe the way that I was looking at the situation. Moments where perhaps someone from the outside would have thought that this moment was the antithesis of a ‘highlight reel moment.’ But to me I saw these incredible low points as opportunities to make a tremendous change in my life. You see when feel we have nowhere to go, we actually have anywhere to go. Any moment, even the low moments, can be times where we make them ‘our moment.’ They can become a pivot point in our change story. And in many ways can be reflected on as ‘highlight reel moments of change.’ My Podcast interview with Patrick will be launching soon, in the meantime head over to his website and check out his podcast! https://www.thisismymoment.com/ If you live in Washington State, Oregon, or British Columbia and you would like a FREE welcome session with me to learn more about how I can help you release your anxiety, heal from your trauma, or take that leap of faith for the next step in your life. Click the link below to schedule a FREE ONLINE Welcome Session with me today. Just click the link below: https://ryankopyarholistichealing.com/free-consultation/
    Escuchado 6m 44s
  • The Secret to Making a Change

    14 OCT. 2022 · 🛫You’ve never been…where you’ve never gone🛬 - The ‘unknown’ is scary because it’s new, it’s foreign, it’s a place you’ve never navigated for any meaningful amount of time. - THAT’S OK! - It’s okay to be scared. - But I invite you to embrace that you don’t need to have it ‘all figured out.’ - Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - You are ENOUGH. You are exactly who you need to be in this moment to start to make the change. - If you live in Washington State, Oregon, or British Columbia and you would like a FREE Counseling Session to help you release your anxiety, heal from your trauma, or take that leap of faith for the next step in your life. Schedule a FREE ONLINE Counseling Session with me today. Just click the link below: https://ryankopyarholistichealing.com/free-consultation/
    Escuchado 6m 41s
  • My Thoughts on the Events Occuring in Iran and Humanity Awakening

    4 OCT. 2022 · While this particular episode is not directly related to the normal content that I share on the podcast, I did feel that it was important to note not only from a moralistic and geopolitical standpoint, but more importantly because I feel that in so many ways around the world right now, we are beginning to see humanity pushing back against societal structures which have been designed to oppress humanity. The death of this young woman in Iran was horrifying. Full stop. The tragic murder of this woman, which occurred because she was pushing back against the disempowerment of women is just one representation of the oppression which has occurred on planet earth for thousands of years. I am happy to see the people of Iran and the people from around the world standing up against this oppression. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Iran and for those with family members there.
    Escuchado 6m 34s
  • What Makes You Qualified?

    3 OCT. 2022 · What qualifies us to be a helper? I was a little bit late in getting my master's diploma from Liberty University, framed and hung in my office, but once I got it framed, there was something very powerful in me that felt like I needed to share and that is this: I hope this message helps someone who feels the way that I felt at one point in my life. Which was that my past disqualified me from pursuing my dreams. You see, I worked very hard for this diploma. And I'm very proud of myself for my accomplishments as it relates to not only earning my master's degree but also in the person that I became in the process. My mental, spiritual and professional growth were all catalyzed by going through the process of earning my master's degree. That said, it is not ONLY my master's degree which qualifies me to help people. I think we live in a society today where we believe that or we are led to believe that it is our accomplishments, which qualify us to serve people and in some cases, perhaps many cases that may be true. But what also really qualifies us to help people are the moments that we have had to overcome. Those moments where we felt that we were embarrassed,ashamed,Less than. Simply put, in the times where we made mistakes. But you see it is our learning and our growing that occurs from those mistakes, which are just as important the professional or educational qualifications. Those also qualify for us to be a helper to others, for us to be of service to others. And for us to accomplish the goals that we have in our heart. My invitation to you is this: Take some time today to reflect on the mistakes that you've made in your life. Some of the ‘not proud’ moments that you've had as a human being. Identify what you've learned from them, and how you have grown. Then ask yourself this very important question. Who else do I know, Or who else can I find, That is going through something very similar to what I've gone through. This may not just be the actual experience of the mistake but it may be the emotion. Reach out to that person if you know them. If you don’t know anyone, Think about where you can find them. Pour into them. Pour belief into them. Pour love into them. Pour hope into them. Be vulnerable. Share a little bit about your journey and show them that just like you, They too can overcome their pain, their traumas, Their mistakes, and go on to serve others. They can Go on to reach their goals. Sending you all love and light, Ryan Joseph Kopyar If you live in Washington State, Oregon, or British Columbia and you would like a FREE Counseling Session to help you release your anxiety, heal from your trauma, or take that leap of faith for the next step in your life. Schedule a FREE ONLINE Counseling Session with me today. Just click the link below: https://ryankopyarholistichealing.com/free-consultation/
    Escuchado 11m 38s
  • A Major SHIFT is Happening! Can You Feel It?!

    21 SEP. 2022 · We are being given an opportunity as a collective and as individuals to make a tremendous shift in our lives, in how we show up in the world, and in how we coexist together on beautiful planet earth. We are in the middle of a season shift going from summer into fall. we are putting away our bathing suits and bringing out or sweaters, the summer drinks from our favorite coffee shop are being replaced with pumpkin spice flavors. This is all part of the transition of seasons. This is all occurring at the micro level. But at the macro, Soul, and cosmic level we are also going through a transition. I would like in it to the following analogy: Summer is over. We can release the thought, feelings and emotions from summer which no longer serve us. BUT here's the key… It's not just from this past summer… we are being presented with an opportunity right now to release those non-serving, overwhelming, restrictive and heavy aspects of our lives from all summers, from all seasons, to be released once and for all, so that we can free ourselves and step into the powerful creators that we truly are. You see old systems from our life and our world are collapsing. For those who can see, it's quite clear already, but it will become even more apparent in the coming weeks and months ahead. Financial, political, religious, and educational systems, which have existed and operated in a certain way for decades and even centuries, are being brought to the surface for us to see the truth. We get to ask ourselves: Is this what we want moving forward? Do these systems inhibit or empower us? It’s not about good or bad, right or wrong, Democrat or Republican, left or right. Those are all aspects of duality which serve to divide us. The time for division is over. We are stepping into our power. People all over the world are remembering that we have the free will to decide what we want. We get to make the decisions that impact our life, those choices don't get to be made for us because of some hierarchical structure that was put in place years ago. So I understand that this time can be intense, scary, overwhelming, exciting, and unknown. But that is the beauty in it! It's completely unknown. And because of this unknown, it means we get to create it as individuals and as a collective, with the world that we want to live in. So my invitation to you is this: Take time to be quiet and go within. Think about what you want to release, what no longer serves you, what will no longer be needed in your new life – Which you are about to create as an individual, and we are going to create as a collective. I Hope this message resonates with you. I send you all love and light. Ryan Joseph Kopyar If you live in Washington State, Oregon, or British Columbia and you would like a FREE Counseling Session to help you release your anxiety, heal from your trauma, or take that leap of faith for the next step in your life. Schedule a FREE ONLINE Counseling Session with me today. Just click the link below: https://ryankopyarholistichealing.com/free-consultation/
    Escuchado 12m 45s
  • How to HEAL Your Pain through Art Therapy: Interview with Charmaine Husum

    29 AGO. 2022 · In this episode of 'Reconnect to Your Greatness,' I have the humble honor to sit down and have a conversation with Charmaine Husum. Charmaine is an incredible soul that is helping people to heal through a variety of modalities, but the one that we focus on in this conversation is through the modality of Art Therapy. In Charmaine's gentle, kind, and caring way, she thoughtfully explains the process of Art Therapy, and how Art Therapy can be transformative in allowing individuals to bring to the surface the pain and trauma that may be stored deep inside of them. Art Therapy offers an alternative to Talk therapy and other traditional modalities of therapy, which may not provide the space to bring these difficult thoughts, feelings and emotions to the surface. This was a fun and exciting interview, as well as deeply emotional and thought provoking conversation. As with all the work that I do, I hope that this conversation helps to make a positive impact in your life. Love and Light. Ryan Joseph Kopyar About Charmaine Husum: Charmaine Husum (DKATI, RTC, CT) is an Artist, Certified Art Therapist, Registered Therapeutic Counsellor and Kundalini Yoga & Meditation teacher. At her Art Therapy and Counselling practice, Centre of the Heart she sees clients in person and online on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksika, Kainai, Piikani), the Tsuut'ina, the Îyâxe Nakoda Nations, and the Métis people of Calgary Alberta, Canada. She has an international reputation as an Artist, having worked in film and television, and facilitates retreats in Canada, Hawaii, Mexico and abroad for personal growth and development. The areas she specializes in are working with Trauma, symptoms of PTSD, C-PTSD , Autism, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidality, addiction and other mental health symptoms. Having worked for years with plant medicines and psychedelics for healing, she has created a trauma-informed online program to support integration after psychedelic experiences, which incorporates Art Therapy, Dream work, Sacred Geometry, Kundalini Meditation, Yoga, Somatic Processes, and Neuroplasticity using a harm reduction lens. www.courses.centreoftheheart.com Here’s the link to Charmaine’s Etsy page mentioned in the interview. https://www.etsy.com/shop/CharmaineHusumArt Invitation to Work with the Host: Ryan Joseph Kopyar LMHCA, Professional Counselor Associate, Registered Clinical Counselor, Published Author If you live in Washington State, Oregon, or British Columbia and you would like a FREE Counseling Session with Ryan to help you release your anxiety, heal from your trauma, or take that leap of faith for the next step in your life. Schedule a FREE ONLINE Counseling Session with Ryan today. Just click the link below: https://ryankopyarholistichealing.com/free-consultation/
    Escuchado 42m 49s
  • Motion Moves Emotion: Exercise and Depression

    22 AGO. 2022 · 🏋🏼Motion Moves Emotion🏄🏼‍♀️ okay….I may be bit bias towards exercise but it can really make a tremendous shift in our life! - I believe that emotions are energy. Emotions like fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, hatred, these are all very low vibrational, sticky, heavy, dense energies. They can ‘block’ the energetic flow in our life and cause us to feel ‘stuck.’ - Have you ever felt ‘stuck’? - I know I have and when I’m feeling that way it often means that I have not physically moved my body. - Moving our body, whether it’s through weights at the gym, riding our bikes outside, doing yoga, or going for a hike can help to release these blockages and get the energy flowing in our lives again. - Motion moves emotion!! - If you live in Washington State, Oregon, or British Columbia and you would like a FREE Counseling Session to help you release your anxiety, heal from your trauma, or take that leap of faith for the next step in your life. Schedule a FREE ONLINE Counseling Session with me today. Just click the link below: https://ryankopyarholistichealing.com/free-consultation/ Here is the article referenced in today's episode: - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5430071/#:~:text=Based%20on%20this%20reassessment%2C%20RCTs,exercise%20as%20an%20adjunctive%20treatment.
    Escuchado 8m 12s
  • Reconnect to Your Greatness: Conversation with Registered Clinical Counsellor Ana Claudia Noufal: Operating out of Love versus Fear

    15 AGO. 2022 · On this episode of “Reconnect to Your Greatness” I have the humble honor and privilege of sitting down for a conversation with Ana Claudia Noufal. Ana is a Vancouver based registered Clinical Counsellor with a holistic and a spiritual approach to the therapeutic and healing process. In this conversation, Anna and I speak about ‘fear versus love.’ Ana insightfully breaks down for the listeners and the viewers how to identify what it looks like to be operating out of a fear paradigm and how to begin to switch that into operating out of a courageous love paradigm. Ana shares insight on what her holistic approach is to healing and provides actionable strategies on how even the ‘busiest’ of individuals can do to bring more intention and grounding into their life. If you are interested in working with Ana her contact information is listed below: https://anaclaudiaholisticcounselling.com/ Address: Vancouver, BC. Canada Email: anaclaudiaholistic@gmail.com Phone: 778-882-5304 Instagram: @anaclaudia_holisticcounselling Facebook: Ana Claudia Holistic Counselling
    Escuchado 28m 42s
  • "Playing the Cards I Was Dealt?" It's time to start playing a new hand.

    11 AGO. 2022 · What if? What if you played your hand of cards you were dealt so well, that you earned a new set? - What if this new set was better? - What if it didn’t have trauma in it? - What if it was straight Ace’s? - If you've been Holding onto the old mindset with new cards, my invitation to you is to release that mindset and take a fresh look at your cards. - If you live in Washington State, Oregon, or British Columbia and you would like a FREE Counseling Session to help you release your anxiety, heal from your trauma, or take that leap of faith for the next step in your life. Schedule a FREE ONLINE Counseling Session with me today. Just click the link below: https://ryankopyarholistichealing.com/free-consultation/
    Escuchado 8m 12s
  • Reconnect To Your Greatness: Episode 5: Lesley Timbol: Therapist, Mental Performance Coach, Competitive Women's Bodybuilder

    25 JUL. 2022 · On this episode of "Reconnect To Your Greatness" I have a very exciting and fruitful discussion with licensed therapist and competitive bodybuilder Lesley Timbol. Lesley has tremendous experience in many aspects of helping people to Reconnect To Their Greatness. She does this as a performance coach, an individual and couples counselor, and through her own experiences as a competitive athlete. We have some laughs, as well as some profound insights in this conversation. One of the stand out points that Lesley shares is this idea of "white out." Back in the day before technology ran the way we communicate, there was a substance called 'white out' which we could use to 'make the slate clean again' if we messed up writing something in pen on a piece of paper. Lesley shares how we can do this in our own minds and hearts. This is a GREAT way to help us forgive ourselves of the past and work to Reconnect To Our Greatness! If you are interested in working with Lesley as a performance coach or a counselor her contact information is listed below: https://timbol.ca/ https://www.instagram.com/lesleyt_mental_iron/?hl=en
    Escuchado 31m 42s

Ryan Joseph Kopyar, internationally licensed counselor, launches life changing online program “Reconnect to Your Greatness” Ryan Joseph Kopyar, an internationally licensed counselor, just launched his new life changing online program...

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Ryan Joseph Kopyar, internationally licensed counselor, launches life changing online program “Reconnect to Your Greatness”
Ryan Joseph Kopyar, an internationally licensed counselor, just launched his new life changing online program called “Reconnect to Your Greatness”— coinciding perfectly with May which is Mental Health Awareness Month.
The “Reconnect to Your Greatness” program has been a dream of Ryan’s since 2016. The virtual and interactive program is offered online through telehealth and can be experienced by individuals across North America who are motivated to make a change in their life.
Ryan’s mission is to help people by empowering them to facilitate change in their own lives. Ryan does this by teaching people how to remove the obstacles which prevent them from living the life they want to live. Ryan believes that everyone can live the healthy and happy life, they want.
Individuals that participate in the “Reconnect to Your Greatness” program are provided with a customized blueprint, specific to their strengths, needs, and life goals. This blueprint instills hope and provides actionable strategies which layout exactly what steps the individual needs to take to reach the desires they have for their life. Ryan supports and challenges his program participants with his special blend of empathy, wisdom, and inspiration.

“I believe that we all have greatness within us. We were born with hopes, dreams, and aspirations to accomplish something great with our lives. However, for many of us, including myself at one point, life experiences begin to make us think that our dreams are no longer possible. We come to believe that we're better off living in the familiar, known life, which we have come to accept as our permeant reality.” Kopyar said.
“Hope for the future, gives us power in the present and that is exactly what the participants in this program have an opportunity to experience,” Kopyar said. There are three steps to the “Reconnect to Your Greatness” program. The first step is ‘Release.’ Participants are guided towards an inward journey, where they are invited to identify the limiting and non-serving thought patterns which have been handcuffing them to their past or present reality. The next step of the program is to ‘Rewire.’ During this step, participants work to replace or ‘rewire’ their mind and body with thoughts, feelings, and emotions which will help to accelerate them towards accomplishing their goals. The last step of the program is ‘Be Ready.’ This step teachers program participants how to nurture this new positive emotional environment and embrace the coming of their new life.
Kopyar humbly acknowledged; “I don’t take credit for all the content in the program, in fact, much of this information has been around for decades. But no one has simplified and organized the knowledge in such a way that it makes it very easy for someone to connect with and apply to their lives. There’s tremendous energy and power in our thoughts. It sounds simple, but if we are aware of how we use our thoughts, we can create profound change in our lives.”
The program launched this week and so far, the feedback has been tremendous.
“This program is something that I have had in my heart and soul for going on 6 years now,” Kopyar said. “Part of the reason it has taken me so long to put it together is that I have grown so much over that time, I continually realized there was more that I wanted to add in.”
Through his decade of experience in the health and wellness industry, Ryan gained a tremendous amount of knowledge on how to help people create physical change in their bodies. “What I came to realize, was that if I wanted to help people create lasting change in their life, it was important to look at their wellness through a holistic framework.” Kopyar notes; “All parts of our being; mind, body and soul, need to be in alignment in order to create and sustain positive change in our life.”
Even though Ryan has traded in his sneakers and personal training equipment for his virtually interactive online programs and telehealth sessions, Kopyar said he loves integrating physical wellness with mental wellness. “I’ve seen firsthand the power of integrating mind-body wellness through working with my counseling clients,” Kopyar said. “Whenever I am putting together an integrative treatment plan for one of my counseling clients or creating a personalized blueprint for one my program participants in “Reconnect to Your Greatness,” I am always asking myself: How can I integrate mental and physical wellness to maximize the positive change in this person’s life? I think that’s what makes me different from many of the other online and personal development programs in the market today.”

To learn more about Ryan’s “Reconnect to Your Greatness” program or other services, call 973-224-8171 or visit www.ryankopyarholistichealing.com
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