Are you ready to supercharge your European Portuguese listening comprehension? Our Portuguese podcast, featuring a Portugal speaking style, is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to...
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Are you ready to supercharge your European Portuguese listening comprehension?
Our Portuguese podcast, featuring a Portugal speaking style, is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Portuguese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Portuguese and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lisbon, Porto, or Faro? Maybe you want to speak Portuguese with your grandparents from Lisbon?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Portuguese-speaking regions like Portugal, Brazil, and Mozambique. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Portuguese listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Aprimore sua compreensão auditiva com nossas histórias em português hoje!
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Our Portuguese podcast, featuring a Portugal speaking style, is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Portuguese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Portuguese and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lisbon, Porto, or Faro? Maybe you want to speak Portuguese with your grandparents from Lisbon?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Portuguese-speaking regions like Portugal, Brazil, and Mozambique. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Portuguese listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Aprimore sua compreensão auditiva com nossas histórias em português hoje!
Fluent Fiction - Portuguese (Portugal) 🇵🇹
Fluent Fiction - Portuguese (Portugal) 🇵🇹
26 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Unveiling Lisbon's History: A Journey Through Jerónimos Monastery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Pt: Guiomar ajustou os óculos e sorriu para o grupo de turistas.
En: Guiomar adjusted her glasses and smiled at the group of tourists.
Pt: O dia estava ensolarado em Lisboa, e o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos brilhava sob a luz dourada.
En: It was a sunny day in Lisbon, and the Jerónimos Monastery gleamed under the golden light.
Pt: Guiomar era historiadora e apaixonada pela história de Portugal.
En: Guiomar was a historian and passionate about the history of Portugal.
Pt: Estava pronta para guiar o grupo pelo mosteiro.
En: She was ready to guide the group through the monastery.
Pt: — Bem-vindos ao Mosteiro dos Jerónimos!
En: — Welcome to the Jerónimos Monastery!
Pt: — Guiomar começou.
En: — Guiomar began.
Pt: — Este lugar é um tesouro de histórias e aventuras.
En: — This place is a treasure trove of stories and adventures.
Pt: Vamos explorar juntos!
En: Let's explore together!
Pt: Entre os visitantes, Diogo observava tudo com atenção.
En: Among the visitors, Diogo observed everything attentively.
Pt: Ele era fotógrafo e trabalhava num artigo sobre os locais históricos de Lisboa.
En: He was a photographer working on an article about Lisbon's historical sites.
Pt: Tinha trazido a sua câmara para capturar cada detalhe.
En: He had brought his camera to capture every detail.
Pt: Ao seu lado, Mafalda olhava para as paredes decoradas com curiosidade.
En: Beside him, Mafalda looked at the decorated walls with curiosity.
Pt: Ela era estudante universitária e pesquisava a história marítima de Portugal.
En: She was a university student researching Portugal's maritime history.
Pt: Guiomar conduziu o grupo até à entrada principal.
En: Guiomar led the group to the main entrance.
Pt: — Este mosteiro foi mandado construir por Manuel I no século XVI — explicou.
En: — This monastery was commissioned by Manuel I in the 16th century — she explained.
Pt: — Era um tributo aos descobrimentos portugueses.
En: — It was a tribute to the Portuguese discoveries.
Pt: — Que fascinante!
En: — Fascinating!
Pt: — exclamou Mafalda, tomando notas no seu caderno.
En: — exclaimed Mafalda, taking notes in her notebook.
Pt: Guiomar guiou-os pelo claustro.
En: Guiomar guided them through the cloister.
Pt: — Estas arcadas góticas são um exemplo magnífico de Manuelino, o estilo arquitetónico português.
En: — These Gothic arcades are a magnificent example of the Manueline style, the Portuguese architectural style.
Pt: Notem os detalhes esculpidos na pedra.
En: Note the details carved in the stone.
Pt: Diogo fotografava as colunas e os arcos.
En: Diogo photographed the columns and arches.
Pt: Cada clique da sua câmara parecia capturar um pedaço de história.
En: Each click of his camera seemed to capture a piece of history.
Pt: Guiomar continuou a explicar sobre os monges que viviam ali e as suas rotinas diárias.
En: Guiomar continued to explain about the monks who lived there and their daily routines.
Pt: — Eles rezavam e trabalhavam neste lugar sagrado — disse Guiomar.
En: — They prayed and worked in this sacred place — said Guiomar.
Pt: — E muitos marinheiros vinham aqui antes de partir em grandes viagens.
En: — And many sailors came here before embarking on great voyages.
Pt: A próxima parada foi a igreja.
En: The next stop was the church.
Pt: — Aqui está o túmulo de Vasco da Gama, o grande explorador — disse Guiomar.
En: — Here lies the tomb of Vasco da Gama, the great explorer — said Guiomar.
Pt: — Ele foi o primeiro europeu a chegar à Índia por mar.
En: — He was the first European to reach India by sea.
Pt: Mafalda fixou os olhos no túmulo.
En: Mafalda fixed her eyes on the tomb.
Pt: — Vasco da Gama é uma figura crucial na minha pesquisa — comentou.
En: — Vasco da Gama is a crucial figure in my research — she commented.
Pt: — Este lugar tem tanto significado.
En: — This place holds so much significance.
Pt: Diogo, vendo a emoção nos olhos de Mafalda, disse: — Posso tirar uma foto tua junto ao túmulo?
En: Diogo, seeing the emotion in Mafalda's eyes, asked: — Can I take a photo of you by the tomb?
Pt: Ela assentiu, e Diogo tirou uma foto que capturava a essência do momento.
En: She nodded, and Diogo took a picture that captured the essence of the moment.
Pt: Depois, Guiomar levou o grupo para a última parada, a biblioteca.
En: Then, Guiomar led the group to the final stop, the library.
Pt: — Esta biblioteca é uma das mais antigas de Portugal — disse Guiomar.
En: — This library is one of the oldest in Portugal — said Guiomar.
Pt: — Contém manuscritos valiosíssimos sobre a história dos descobrimentos.
En: — It contains invaluable manuscripts about the history of the discoveries.
Pt: Mafalda e Diogo ficaram maravilhados com os livros antigos.
En: Mafalda and Diogo were amazed by the ancient books.
Pt: Mafalda encontrou um manuscrito sobre navegação que lhe pareceu raro e inestimável para o seu trabalho.
En: Mafalda found a manuscript on navigation that seemed rare and invaluable for her work.
Pt: Diogo, por sua vez, capturou a imagem de Mafalda a ler o manuscrito, sabendo que aquela foto seria o ponto alto do seu artigo.
En: Diogo, in turn, captured an image of Mafalda reading the manuscript, knowing that this photo would be the highlight of his article.
Pt: O tour chegou ao fim, e Guiomar agradeceu a presença de todos.
En: The tour came to an end, and Guiomar thanked everyone for their presence.
Pt: Mafalda, com os olhos brilhantes, disse: — Obrigada, Guiomar.
En: Mafalda, with bright eyes, said: — Thank you, Guiomar.
Pt: Aprendi tanto com esta visita.
En: I learned so much from this visit.
Pt: Diogo acrescentou: — As suas explicações foram excelentes.
En: Diogo added: — Your explanations were excellent.
Pt: Tenho fotos incríveis graças a si.
En: I have amazing photos thanks to you.
Pt: Guiomar sorriu.
En: Guiomar smiled.
Pt: — O prazer foi meu.
En: — The pleasure was mine.
Pt: Conhecer pessoas igualmente apaixonadas pela história torna o meu trabalho ainda mais gratificante.
En: Meeting people equally passionate about history makes my job even more rewarding.
Pt: Com um último olhar para o imponente mosteiro, Mafalda e Diogo saíram juntos, seguros de que aquele dia tinha sido não apenas educativo, mas também inspirador.
En: With a final look at the imposing monastery, Mafalda and Diogo left together, confident that the day had been not only educational but also inspiring.
Pt: E Guiomar, satisfeita, viu neles a continuação da paixão pela história que tanto amava.
En: And Guiomar, satisfied, saw in them the continuation of the passion for history that she so dearly loved.
Vocabulary Words:
- adjusted: ajustou
- gleamed: brilhava
- treasure trove: tesouro
- attentively: com atenção
- decorated: decoradas
- curiosity: curiosidade
- commisioned: mandado construir
- notebook: caderno
- cloister: claustro
- arcades: arcadas
- manuscript: manuscrito
- navigations: navegação
- embarking: partir
- magnificent: magnífico
- carved: esculpidos
- monks: monges
- routines: rotinas
- prayed: rezavam
- sailors: marinheiros
- voyages: viagens
- explorer: explorador
- crucial: crucial
- emotion: emoção
- tomb: túmulo
- essence: essência
- invaluable: inestimável
- highlight: ponto alto
- rewarding: gratificante
- imposing: imponente
- captured: capturava
20 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Uncovering Ancestral Secrets: A Snowy Quest for Hidden Treasures
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Pt: Guilherme amava a neve.
En: Guilherme loved the snow.
Pt: Desde criança, adorava passear na Serra da Estrela.
En: Since he was a child, he adored strolling in Serra da Estrela.
Pt: Naquele inverno, convidou Inês e Cristina para uma aventura.
En: That winter, he invited Inês and Cristina for an adventure.
Pt: Eles subiram a montanha coberta de branco, rindo e brincando.
En: They climbed the mountain covered in white, laughing and playing.
Pt: No caminho, encontraram uma cabana abandonada.
En: Along the way, they found an abandoned cabin.
Pt: Curiosos, entraram.
En: Curious, they went inside.
Pt: No canto, coberto de pó, estava um antigo diário.
En: In the corner, covered in dust, was an old diary.
Pt: Guilherme abriu.
En: Guilherme opened it.
Pt: Sentiu um arrepio.
En: He felt a shiver.
Pt: Começou a ler em voz alta.
En: He began reading aloud.
Pt: “Este diário pertence ao bisavô do Guilherme,” disse Inês ao ouvir o nome.
En: “This diary belongs to Guilherme's great-grandfather,” Inês said upon hearing the name.
Pt: Os olhos de Guilherme arregalaram-se.
En: Guilherme's eyes widened.
Pt: As páginas desbotadas contavam segredos.
En: The faded pages held secrets.
Pt: “Tivemos que abandonar a casa.
En: “We had to abandon the house.
Pt: Havia um tesouro escondido.
En: There was a hidden treasure.
Pt: Só Guilherme pode encontrá-lo,” escreveu o bisavô.
En: Only Guilherme can find it,” wrote the great-grandfather.
Pt: Cristina ficou ansiosa.
En: Cristina grew anxious.
Pt: “Tesouro?” perguntou.
En: “Treasure?” she asked.
Pt: Guilherme continuou a ler.
En: Guilherme continued reading.
Pt: Descobriram que o tesouro estava perto da cabana.
En: They discovered the treasure was near the cabin.
Pt: “O que será que isto significa?” perguntou Inês.
En: “What could this mean?” asked Inês.
Pt: Eles procuraram sinais.
En: They searched for clues.
Pt: Debaixo do assoalho, encontraram uma caixa.
En: Under the floorboards, they found a box.
Pt: Dentro, havia fotos antigas e documentos.
En: Inside, there were old photos and documents.
Pt: “Estas são cartas de amor!” disse Cristina.
En: “These are love letters!” said Cristina.
Pt: “Entre o bisavô de Guilherme e a bisavó de Inês!”
A amizade entre as famílias era profunda.
En: “Between Guilherme's great-grandfather and Inês's great-grandmother!”
The friendship between the families was deep.
Pt: A verdade aproximou ainda mais os amigos.
En: The truth brought the friends even closer.
Pt: “Sabiam que eram parentes?” perguntou Cristina.
En: “Did you know you were related?” Cristina asked.
Pt: “Não,” responderam Guilherme e Inês em uníssono.
En: “No,” Guilherme and Inês answered in unison.
Pt: A descoberta trouxe alegria e um novo vínculo.
En: The discovery brought joy and a new bond.
Pt: Prometeram proteger o legado familiar.
En: They promised to protect the family legacy.
Pt: O sol começou a descer no horizonte.
En: The sun began to set on the horizon.
Pt: O frio intensificava-se.
En: The cold intensified.
Pt: Decidiram voltar.
En: They decided to return.
Pt: Na descida, Guilherme segurou a mão de Inês.
En: On the way down, Guilherme held Inês's hand.
Pt: Sentiram-se conectados de um jeito novo.
En: They felt connected in a new way.
Pt: Cristina tirou uma foto dos três.
En: Cristina took a photo of the three of them.
Pt: “Para recordar este momento,” disse sorrindo.
En: “To remember this moment,” she said, smiling.
Pt: A amizade entre eles estava agora adornada de aventuras e segredos antigos.
En: Their friendship was now adorned with adventures and ancient secrets.
Pt: Chegaram ao sopé da montanha.
En: They arrived at the foot of the mountain.
Pt: O coração de Guilherme estava leve.
En: Guilherme's heart felt light.
Pt: Encontrar o diário mudou tudo.
En: Finding the diary changed everything.
Pt: Mal podiam esperar para contar às famílias.
En: They could not wait to tell their families.
Pt: A cabana abandonada ficou para trás, mas as memórias e segredos revelados permaneceram.
En: The abandoned cabin was left behind, but the memories and revealed secrets remained.
Pt: A neve brilhou suavemente, como um testamento silencioso de um passado não mais esquecido.
En: The snow glowed softly, a silent testament to a past no longer forgotten.
Pt: “A nossa aventura apenas começou,” disse Inês.
En: “Our adventure has only just begun,” said Inês.
Pt: E juntos, regressaram a casa, com promessas de novas explorações e laços ainda mais fortes.
En: And together, they returned home, with promises of new explorations and even stronger bonds.
Vocabulary Words:
- adventure: aventura
- abandoned: abandonada
- curious: curiosos
- corner: canto
- dust: pó
- diary: diário
- shiver: arrepio
- aloud: em voz alta
- faded: desbotadas
- secrets: segredos
- treasure: tesouro
- anxious: ansiosa
- clues: sinais
- floorboards: assoalho
- box: caixa
- photos: fotos
- documents: documentos
- love letters: cartas de amor
- friendship: amizade
- families: famílias
- related: parentes
- discovery: descoberta
- legacy: legado
- horizon: horizonte
- intensified: intensificava-se
- connected: conectados
- memories: memórias
- revealed: revelados
- testament: testamento
- promises: promessas
18 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Exploring Lisbon's Hidden Mysteries: A Journey Beyond the Sights
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Pt: Matilde e Olavo chegaram a Lisboa numa tarde ensolarada.
En: Matilde and Olavo arrived in Lisbon on a sunny afternoon.
Pt: O céu estava azul, e o rio Tejo brilhava ao longe.
En: The sky was blue, and the Tagus River glistened in the distance.
Pt: Decidiram visitar o Castelo de São Jorge, um dos lugares mais antigos e bonitos da cidade.
En: They decided to visit the Castle of São Jorge, one of the oldest and most beautiful places in the city.
Pt: As ruas estreitas de Alfama os levaram até lá.
En: The narrow streets of Alfama led them there.
Pt: No topo da colina, as muralhas do castelo eram imponentes.
En: At the top of the hill, the castle walls were imposing.
Pt: A vista panorâmica da cidade era incrível.
En: The panoramic view of the city was incredible.
Pt: Matilde e Olavo tiraram várias fotos.
En: Matilde and Olavo took several photos.
Pt: Então, começaram a explorar as ruínas.
En: Then, they began exploring the ruins.
Pt: Caminhando pelos recantos do castelo, Matilde notou algo estranho numa pedra.
En: As they walked through the castle's corners, Matilde noticed something strange on a stone.
Pt: A pedra parecia deslocada.
En: The stone seemed dislodged.
Pt: Com esforço, ela e Olavo moveram a pedra e descobriram um pequeno baú de madeira.
En: With effort, she and Olavo moved the stone and discovered a small wooden chest.
Pt: Dentro do baú, havia um mapa velho e amarelado.
En: Inside the chest, there was an old, yellowed map.
Pt: Os dois amigos, curiosos, abriram o mapa.
En: The two friends, curious, opened the map.
Pt: Mostrava ruas antigas de Lisboa com símbolos estranhos.
En: It showed old streets of Lisbon with strange symbols.
Pt: “Será um tesouro?
En: "Could it be a treasure?"
Pt: ” perguntou Matilde, com os olhos brilhando de excitação.
En: asked Matilde, with her eyes shining with excitement.
Pt: Decidiram seguir o mapa.
En: They decided to follow the map.
Pt: Saíram do castelo e desceram pelas ruas sinuosas de Alfama.
En: They left the castle and went down the winding streets of Alfama.
Pt: O mapa os levou até uma fonte histórica.
En: The map led them to a historical fountain.
Pt: Olavo, sempre atento, notou uma inscrição na fonte que correspondia a um dos símbolos do mapa.
En: Olavo, always observant, noticed an inscription on the fountain that matched one of the symbols on the map.
Pt: "É aqui," disse ele.
En: "It's here," he said.
Pt: A inscrição indicava a direção para um antigo convento.
En: The inscription indicated the direction to an old convent.
Pt: No convento, perguntaram ao guardião sobre os símbolos.
En: At the convent, they asked the guardian about the symbols.
Pt: O guardião ficou surpreso e revelou que aquele mapa pertencia a São Vicente, padroeiro de Lisboa.
En: The guardian was surprised and revealed that the map belonged to Saint Vincent, the patron saint of Lisbon.
Pt: Seguindo as instruções do guardião, partiram em direção a um mercado antigo.
En: Following the guardian's instructions, they headed to an old market.
Pt: No meio das barracas de frutas e peixes, encontraram uma loja de antiguidades.
En: Amidst the stalls of fruits and fish, they found an antique shop.
Pt: O dono da loja, um velho sábio, reconheceu o mapa.
En: The shop owner, an old wise man, recognized the map.
Pt: "Este mapa revela o caminho para o tesouro de Lisboa.
En: "This map reveals the path to Lisbon's treasure.
Pt: Mas lembrem-se, o verdadeiro tesouro não é ouro, mas conhecimento e história," disse o sábio, sorrindo.
En: But remember, the true treasure is not gold but knowledge and history," said the wise man, smiling.
Pt: Matilde e Olavo continuaram a seguir o mapa, agora com mais curiosidade pelo que aprenderiam.
En: Matilde and Olavo continued to follow the map, now more curious about what they would learn.
Pt: Chegaram a uma biblioteca esquecida no coração de Lisboa.
En: They arrived at a forgotten library in the heart of Lisbon.
Pt: Lá, descobriram livros raros e documentos antigos.
En: There, they discovered rare books and ancient documents.
Pt: Perceberam que o verdadeiro tesouro era todo o conhecimento sobre a história de Lisboa.
En: They realized that the true treasure was all the knowledge about Lisbon's history.
Pt: Matilde e Olavo passaram horas mergulhados na leitura, descobrindo segredos e histórias fascinantes da cidade.
En: Matilde and Olavo spent hours immersed in reading, uncovering fascinating secrets and stories of the city.
Pt: No fim do dia, saíram da biblioteca com o coração cheio de alegria e sabedoria.
En: By the end of the day, they left the library with hearts full of joy and wisdom.
Pt: A aventura inesperada transformou a viagem deles numa experiência inesquecível.
En: The unexpected adventure turned their trip into an unforgettable experience.
Pt: De volta ao Castelo de São Jorge, olharam para a cidade com uma nova perspectiva.
En: Back at the Castle of São Jorge, they looked at the city with a new perspective.
Pt: Lisboa não era apenas um lugar bonito, mas uma cidade rica em história e mistério.
En: Lisbon was not just a beautiful place but a city rich in history and mystery.
Pt: E assim, Matilde e Olavo prometeram voltar para explorar ainda mais.
En: And so, Matilde and Olavo promised to return to explore even more.
Pt: A viagem deles, mais do que uma exploração turística, foi uma jornada de conhecimento.
En: Their journey, more than just a tourist exploration, was a quest for knowledge.
Pt: E esse, pensaram eles, era o melhor tesouro de todos.
En: And that, they thought, was the greatest treasure of all.
Vocabulary Words:
- sunny: ensolarada
- afternoon: tarde
- glistened: brilhava
- narrow: estreitas
- imposing: imponentes
- panoramic: panorâmica
- ruins: ruínas
- corners: recantos
- stone: pedra
- dislodged: deslocada
- chest: baú
- yellowed: amarelado
- winding: sinuosas
- fountain: fonte
- inscription: inscrição
- convent: convento
- guardian: guardião
- patron saint: padroeiro
- market: mercado
- stall: barraca
- antique shop: loja de antiguidades
- wise man: velho sábio
- hidden: escondidas
- rare: raros
- documents: documentos
- joy: alegria
- wisdom: sabedoria
- unexpected: inesperada
- journey: jornada
- knowledge: conhecimento
14 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Sintra's Enchanted Palace: Unearthing Hidden Treasures
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Pt: O sol brilhava sobre o Palácio da Pena em Sintra.
En: The sun was shining over the Pena Palace in Sintra.
Pt: Era uma manhã linda, o céu estava claro e as cores vibrantes do palácio destacavam-se.
En: It was a beautiful morning, the sky was clear, and the vibrant colors of the palace stood out.
Pt: Mateus e Inês, dois amigos de infância, decidiram explorar juntos.
En: Mateus and Inês, two childhood friends, decided to explore together.
Pt: "Cá estamos nós, Inês," disse Mateus, encantado com a beleza do lugar.
En: “Here we are, Inês,” said Mateus, enchanted by the beauty of the place.
Pt: "É mágico, Mateus," respondeu Inês, os olhos a brilhar de excitação.
En: “It’s magical, Mateus,” replied Inês, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Pt: Eles andavam pelos corredores, admirando os vitrais e esculturas.
En: They walked through the corridors, admiring the stained glass and sculptures.
Pt: Cada sala tinha uma história, cada canto era um mistério.
En: Each room had a story, each corner was a mystery.
Pt: Ao caminhar pelo salão principal, Mateus notou algo estranho.
En: While walking through the main hall, Mateus noticed something strange.
Pt: Um painel de madeira parecia ligeiramente fora do lugar.
En: A wooden panel seemed slightly out of place.
Pt: "Inês, vem cá," chamou ele, apontando para o painel.
En: “Inês, come here,” he called, pointing to the panel.
Pt: Inês aproximou-se, curiosa. "O que achaste?"
En: Inês approached, curious. “What did you find?”
Pt: Mateus tocou no painel e empurrou-o ligeiramente.
En: Mateus touched the panel and pushed it slightly.
Pt: Para seu espanto, o painel cedeu, revelando uma pequena cavidade.
En: To his astonishment, the panel gave way, revealing a small cavity.
Pt: Dentro dela, havia um manuscrito antigo, enrolado e amarelado pelo tempo.
En: Inside it, there was an old manuscript, rolled up and yellowed by time.
Pt: Inês pegou no manuscrito com cuidado.
En: Inês carefully picked up the manuscript.
Pt: "É muito velho. Talvez tenha séculos."
En: “It’s very old. It might be centuries old.”
Pt: Ambos sentaram-se no chão, ansiosos para descobrir o conteúdo.
En: Both sat down on the floor, eager to discover its contents.
Pt: Com mãos trémulas, Inês abriu o manuscrito.
En: With trembling hands, Inês opened the manuscript.
Pt: Os olhos dos dois brilharam de emoção ao ler as primeiras linhas.
En: Their eyes sparkled with excitement as they read the first lines.
Pt: "Fala sobre um tesouro, Mateus! Um tesouro perdido do século XV!"
En: “It talks about a treasure, Mateus! A lost treasure from the 15th century!”
Pt: Mateus e Inês trocam um olhar de surpresa e entusiasmo.
En: Mateus and Inês exchanged a look of surprise and excitement.
Pt: Decidiram seguir os indícios no manuscrito.
En: They decided to follow the clues in the manuscript.
Pt: Passaram horas a decifrar os enigmas, que os guiavam para diferentes salas e jardins do palácio.
En: They spent hours deciphering the riddles, which guided them through different rooms and gardens of the palace.
Pt: Finalmente, chegaram a uma torre antiga.
En: Finally, they arrived at an ancient tower.
Pt: No piso, havia símbolos estranhos que correspondiam às instruções do manuscrito.
En: On the floor, there were strange symbols that matched the manuscript’s instructions.
Pt: Mateus empurrou uma pedra específica, e uma escada secreta apareceu.
En: Mateus pushed a specific stone, and a secret staircase appeared.
Pt: "Aqui vamos nós, Inês," disse Mateus, a voz repleta de expectativa.
En: “Here we go, Inês,” said Mateus, his voice filled with anticipation.
Pt: Desceram a escada, que os levou a uma sala subterrânea.
En: They descended the stairs, which led them to an underground room.
Pt: No centro da sala, uma arca de madeira ornamentada aguardava.
En: In the center of the room, an ornate wooden chest awaited.
Pt: Inês abriu a arca lentamente, revelando moedas de ouro, joias e documentos históricos.
En: Inês opened the chest slowly, revealing gold coins, jewels, and historical documents.
Pt: "Encontrámos o tesouro, Mateus! Isto é incrível!" gritou Inês, abraçando o amigo.
En: “We found the treasure, Mateus! This is incredible!” shouted Inês, hugging her friend.
Pt: Naquele momento, perceberam que não se tratava apenas de riqueza material.
En: At that moment, they realized it wasn’t just about material wealth.
Pt: Haviam descoberto um pedaço importante da história de Portugal.
En: They had discovered an important piece of Portugal’s history.
Pt: Sabiam que o tesouro precisava ser preservado.
En: They knew the treasure needed to be preserved.
Pt: Subiram a escada com muito cuidado, levando consigo apenas uma moeda para recordar a aventura.
En: They carefully climbed the stairs, taking with them only one coin to remember the adventure.
Pt: Contactaram as autoridades do palácio para falar sobre a descoberta.
En: They contacted the palace authorities to inform them about the discovery.
Pt: As notícias espalharam-se rapidamente, e Mateus e Inês foram celebrados como heróis locais.
En: The news spread quickly, and Mateus and Inês were celebrated as local heroes.
Pt: O tesouro foi guardado num museu, permitindo que todos apreciassem aquela descoberta incrível.
En: The treasure was placed in a museum, allowing everyone to appreciate that incredible discovery.
Pt: No fim do dia, Mateus e Inês sentaram-se no jardim do palácio, olhando para o céu estrelado.
En: At the end of the day, Mateus and Inês sat in the palace garden, looking at the starry sky.
Pt: "Nunca vou esquecer este dia," disse Mateus, sorrindo.
En: “I will never forget this day,” said Mateus, smiling.
Pt: "Nem eu, Mateus. Foi uma aventura inesquecível," concordou Inês.
En: “Neither will I, Mateus. It was an unforgettable adventure,” agreed Inês.
Pt: Ambos sabiam que esse momento ficaria com eles para sempre, uma lembrança brilhante de amizade e descoberta.
En: Both knew that this moment would stay with them forever, a brilliant memory of friendship and discovery.
Vocabulary Words:
- shining: brilhava
- vibrant: vibrantes
- enchanted: encantado
- sparkling: a brilhar
- clear: claro
- corridors: corredores
- stained glass: vitrais
- sculptures: esculturas
- wooden panel: painel de madeira
- slightly: ligeiramente
- out of place: fora do lugar
- astonishment: espanto
- cavity: cavidade
- manuscript: manuscrito
- rolled up: enrolado
- yellowed: amarelado
- carefully: com cuidado
- centuries: séculos
- trembling: trémulas
- riddles: enigmas
- deciphering: decifrar
- instructions: instruções
- specific stone: pedra específica
- secret staircase: escada secreta
- underground room: sala subterrânea
- ornate: ornamentada
- hugging: abraçando
- material wealth: riqueza material
- preserved: preservado
- authorities: autoridades
12 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Family Secrets: Fábio’s Lost Brother in Lisbon
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Pt: Nas ruas estreitas e charmosas de Alfama, Fábio subia os degraus da velha casa da sua avó.
En: In the narrow and charming streets of Alfama, Fábio climbed the steps of his grandmother's old house.
Pt: O cheiro de pão fresco e sardinhas assadas enchia o ar.
En: The smell of fresh bread and grilled sardines filled the air.
Pt: Era um domingo como qualquer outro em Lisboa.
En: It was a Sunday like any other in Lisbon.
Pt: Mas, naquele dia, algo muito especial ia acontecer.
En: But, on that day, something very special was about to happen.
Pt: Fábio tinha herdado a casa da avó, dona Beatriz.
En: Fábio had inherited his grandmother Beatriz's house.
Pt: Ela tinha falecido há um ano, e ele decidira fazer uma limpeza no sótão.
En: She had passed away a year ago, and he had decided to clean out the attic.
Pt: Após horas de trabalho e pó, encontrou uma velha caixa de madeira.
En: After hours of work and dust, he found an old wooden box.
Pt: Dentro, havia uma carta antiga.
En: Inside, there was an old letter.
Pt: Na carta, sua avó revelava um segredo de família: Fábio tinha um irmão perdido.
En: In the letter, his grandmother revealed a family secret: Fábio had a lost brother.
Pt: Sem saber como começar a procurar, Fábio chamou a sua amiga Lúcia.
En: Not knowing where to start looking, Fábio called his friend Lúcia.
Pt: Lúcia era esperta e curiosa.
En: Lúcia was smart and curious.
Pt: Eles eram amigos desde pequenos.
En: They had been friends since childhood.
Pt: "Preciso da tua ajuda, Lúcia," disse Fábio, mostrando a carta.
En: "I need your help, Lúcia," said Fábio, showing her the letter.
Pt: Lúcia leu atentamente, os olhos brilhando de excitação.
En: Lúcia read it carefully, her eyes glowing with excitement.
Pt: "A primeira pista é o nome do irmão," disse Lúcia.
En: "The first clue is the brother's name," Lúcia said.
Pt: "Pedro.
En: "Pedro.
Pt: Vamos começar pelas igrejas e hospitais antigos daqui."
En: Let’s start with the old churches and hospitals around here."
Pt: Eles caminharam pelas ruas de Alfama, cada esquina com memórias e histórias.
En: They walked through the streets of Alfama, every corner filled with memories and stories.
Pt: Visitaram a Igreja de São Miguel, onde encontraram livros antigos de batismo.
En: They visited the Church of Saint Michael, where they found old baptismal registers.
Pt: Nada.
En: Nothing.
Pt: Foram até o hospital antigo de Sant'Ana, que agora era uma biblioteca.
En: They went to the old Sant’Ana hospital, which was now a library.
Pt: Encontraram alguns registros, mas sem sorte.
En: They found some records, but no luck.
Pt: Determinação não faltava.
En: Determination wasn’t lacking.
Pt: Afinal, era uma questão de família, e Fábio sentia no fundo do coração que estava perto da resposta.
En: After all, it was a family matter, and Fábio felt deep down that he was close to an answer.
Pt: Lúcia sugeriu falar com os vizinhos mais antigos.
En: Lúcia suggested speaking with the oldest neighbors.
Pt: "Vamos à casa da Dona Amélia," disse Lúcia, apontando para uma casa amarela.
En: "Let’s go to Dona Amélia's house," Lúcia said, pointing to a yellow house.
Pt: "Ela sabe tudo sobre o bairro."
En: "She knows everything about the neighborhood."
Pt: Dona Amélia era uma senhora acolhedora.
En: Dona Amélia was a kind lady.
Pt: "Claro, lembro da tua avó, Fábio.
En: "Of course, I remember your grandmother, Fábio.
Pt: Um irmão perdido, dizes?
En: A lost brother, you say?
Pt: Ah, talvez o Manuel, o alfaiate, saiba algo."
En: Ah, perhaps Manuel, the tailor, knows something."
Pt: Foram até a pequena loja de Manuel.
En: They went to Manuel's little shop.
Pt: Ele, um homem grisalho e simpático, fez memória.
En: He, a gray-haired and friendly man, recalled.
Pt: "Sim, sim, Beatriz tinha um filho que foi adotado.
En: "Yes, yes, Beatriz had a son who was adopted.
Pt: Pedro.
En: Pedro.
Pt: A última vez que ouvi falar dele, foi numa cidade perto de Setúbal."
En: The last time I heard about him, he was in a town near Setúbal."
Pt: Com novas esperanças, Fábio e Lúcia pegaram um trem para Setúbal.
En: With renewed hope, Fábio and Lúcia took a train to Setúbal.
Pt: A busca continuou até encontrarem uma casa modesta no campo.
En: The search continued until they found a modest house in the countryside.
Pt: Bateram à porta, e um homem parecido com Fábio abriu.
En: They knocked on the door, and a man who looked like Fábio answered.
Pt: "Pedro?"
En: "Pedro?"
Pt: perguntou Fábio, o coração batendo forte.
En: Fábio asked, his heart pounding.
Pt: "Sim, sou eu," respondeu o homem.
En: "Yes, that's me," the man replied.
Pt: "E tu és...?"
En: "And you are...?"
Pt: "Sou Fábio.
En: "I'm Fábio.
Pt: O teu irmão."
En: Your brother."
Pt: Os dois se abraçaram, lágrimas nos olhos.
En: The two embraced, tears in their eyes.
Pt: Fábio contou a Pedro sobre a carta da avó.
En: Fábio told Pedro about their grandmother's letter.
Pt: Pedro contou como sempre quis encontrar a família verdadeira.
En: Pedro shared how he had always wanted to find his true family.
Pt: Voltaram para Alfama, juntos.
En: They returned to Alfama together.
Pt: No bairro, agora havia uma nova história a contar.
En: In the neighborhood, there was now a new story to tell.
Pt: A descoberta de um irmão perdido uniu a família, trazendo paz e alegria.
En: The discovery of a lost brother united the family, bringing peace and joy.
Pt: Lúcia sorriu, feliz por ter ajudado.
En: Lúcia smiled, happy to have helped.
Pt: Entre as estreitas ruas de Alfama, a história de Fábio e Pedro se tornou uma nova página na história da cidade.
En: Among the narrow streets of Alfama, the story of Fábio and Pedro became a new page in the city's history.
Pt: E assim, Fábio soube que o amor e a ajuda de uma amiga podiam revelar os segredos mais profundos da vida.
En: And so, Fábio realized that the love and help of a friend could reveal the deepest secrets of life.
Vocabulary Words:
- narrow: estreitas
- charming: charmosas
- inherit: herdar
- attic: sótão
- dust: pó
- wooden box: caixa de madeira
- letter: carta
- secret: segredo
- curious: curiosa
- baptismal registers: livros de batismo
- library: biblioteca
- determination: determinação
- suggested: sugeriu
- modest: modesta
- countryside: campo
- embraced: abraçaram
- memories: memórias
- stories: histórias
- neighborhood: bairro
- tailor: alfaiate
- gray-haired: grisalho
- friendly: simpático
- records: registros
- hospital: hospital
- revealed: revelava
- spent: decidira
- clue: pista
- adopted: adotado
- pounding: batendo
- true family: família verdadeira
9 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Holiday Heroes: A Vacation Turned Life-Saving Adventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Pt: O sol estava brilhante no céu azul, e a brisa do Tejo trazia frescura ao ar.
En: The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky, and the breeze from the Tagus brought freshness to the air.
Pt: Tatiana, Miguel e Lucas estavam no Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.
En: Tatiana, Miguel, and Lucas were at the Jerónimos Monastery.
Pt: O lugar era antigo e bonito.
En: The place was old and beautiful.
Pt: As paredes eram altas e cheias de detalhes.
En: The walls were tall and full of details.
Pt: O cheiro das pedras era o de história e tempo.
En: The smell of the stones was that of history and time.
Pt: Tatiana estava animada.
En: Tatiana was excited.
Pt: Ela tirava fotos e fazia perguntas ao guia.
En: She was taking photos and asking questions to the guide.
Pt: Miguel e Lucas estavam juntos, sorrindo e apreciando as vistas.
En: Miguel and Lucas were together, smiling and enjoying the sights.
Pt: Ambos médicos, estavam em férias.
En: Both doctors, they were on vacation.
Pt: Queriam relaxar, esquecer os problemas do dia-a-dia.
En: They wanted to relax, forget the problems of daily life.
Pt: De repente, Tatiana tropeçou numa pedra solta.
En: Suddenly, Tatiana stumbled on a loose stone.
Pt: Perdeu o equilíbrio e caiu no chão, batendo forte com a cabeça.
En: She lost her balance and fell to the ground, hitting her head hard.
Pt: Lucas correu para ela.
En: Lucas ran to her.
Pt: Miguel ajoelhou-se ao lado.
En: Miguel kneeled next to her.
Pt: Tatiana estava inconsciente.
En: Tatiana was unconscious.
Pt: Miguel verificou os sinais vitais, e Lucas protegeu a cabeça dela.
En: Miguel checked her vital signs, and Lucas protected her head.
Pt: — Lucas, precisamos estabilizá-la — disse Miguel.
En: “Lucas, we need to stabilize her,” said Miguel.
Pt: — Ainda bem que temos o kit de emergência na mochila.
En: “Good thing we have the emergency kit in the backpack.”
Pt: Lucas abriu a mochila e tirou as luvas e o colar cervical.
En: Lucas opened the backpack and took out the gloves and the cervical collar.
Pt: Miguel colocou o colar com cuidado no pescoço de Tatiana.
En: Miguel carefully placed the collar around Tatiana's neck.
Pt: Lucas verificou a respiração.
En: Lucas checked her breathing.
Pt: Felizmente, ela respirava, mas ainda não acordava.
En: Thankfully, she was breathing, but she still hadn't woken up.
Pt: Miguel olhou ao redor e chamou por ajuda.
En: Miguel looked around and called for help.
Pt: Pessoas começaram a reunir-se em volta.
En: People began to gather around.
Pt: O guia estava em choque e pegou o telefone para chamar os socorristas.
En: The guide was in shock and took out his phone to call the paramedics.
Pt: Miguel e Lucas começaram as compressões no peito de Tatiana, mantendo um ritmo constante.
En: Miguel and Lucas started chest compressions on Tatiana, maintaining a steady rhythm.
Pt: Segundos pareciam horas.
En: Seconds felt like hours.
Pt: Finalmente, os socorristas chegaram.
En: Finally, the paramedics arrived.
Pt: Lucas explicou a situação.
En: Lucas explained the situation.
Pt: Eles colocaram Tatiana na maca com cuidado e a levaram para a ambulância.
En: They carefully placed Tatiana on the stretcher and took her to the ambulance.
Pt: Miguel e Lucas seguiram atrás, seus corações batendo rápido.
En: Miguel and Lucas followed behind, their hearts beating fast.
Pt: No hospital, os médicos foram rápidos.
En: At the hospital, the doctors were quick.
Pt: Fizeram exames e, depois de um tempo, Tatiana abriu os olhos.
En: They did tests, and after a while, Tatiana opened her eyes.
Pt: Ela olhou para Miguel e Lucas e sorriu.
En: She looked at Miguel and Lucas and smiled.
Pt: — Vocês salvaram a minha vida! — disse Tatiana, fraca, mas agradecida.
En: “You saved my life!” said Tatiana, weak but grateful.
Pt: Miguel riu aliviado.
En: Miguel laughed in relief.
Pt: Lucas suspirou de alívio.
En: Lucas sighed with relief.
Pt: — Estamos felizes que você está bem — disse Lucas.
En: “We're happy you're okay,” said Lucas.
Pt: Tatiana se recuperou com o tempo.
En: Tatiana recovered over time.
Pt: Miguel e Lucas viram-na regularmente, e cada vez mais, o seu sorriso ficava mais forte.
En: Miguel and Lucas visited her regularly, and each time, her smile grew stronger.
Pt: A história de sua visita ao Mosteiro dos Jerónimos foi contada muitas vezes, mas sempre com um final feliz.
En: The story of their visit to the Jerónimos Monastery was told many times, but always with a happy ending.
Vocabulary Words:
- shining: brilhante
- breeze: brisa
- freshness: frescura
- guide: guia
- loose: solta
- balance: equilíbrio
- unconscious: inconsciente
- emergency: emergência
- backpack: mochila
- gloves: luvas
- cervical collar: colar cervical
- breathing: respiração
- paramedics: socorristas
- stretcher: maca
- compression: compressão
- rhythm: ritmo
- hospital: hospital
- tests: exames
- weak: fraca
- story: história
- details: detalhes
- walls: paredes
- fell: caiu
- injury: ferimento
- vital signs: sinais vitais
- stable: estável
- damage: dano
- rescue: resgate
- vacation: férias
- sights: vistas
8 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Unlocking an Ancestor's Hidden Treasure at Jerónimos Monastery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Pt: Num dia chuvoso de dezembro, Thiago encontrou uma carta antiga no sótão da sua casa.
En: On a rainy December day, Thiago found an old letter in the attic of his house.
Pt: "Mariana!
En: "Mariana!
Pt: Isadora!
En: Isadora!
Pt: Venham cá, rápido!"
En: Come here, quick!"
Pt: gritou Thiago.
En: Thiago shouted.
Pt: As primas correram até ele, curiosas.
En: The cousins ran to him, curious.
Pt: "Olhem o que encontrei!"
En: "Look what I found!"
Pt: disse Thiago, mostrando a carta.
En: Thiago said, showing the letter.
Pt: Era de um parente distante.
En: It was from a distant relative.
Pt: A carta falava de um segredo escondido no Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, em Lisboa.
En: The letter spoke of a hidden secret in the Jerónimos Monastery in Lisbon.
Pt: "Devemos ir lá," disse Mariana, cheia de entusiasmo.
En: "We should go there," Mariana said, full of enthusiasm.
Pt: Isadora concordou.
En: Isadora agreed.
Pt: Eles decidiram viajar na manhã seguinte.
En: They decided to travel the next morning.
Pt: O Mosteiro dos Jerónimos é um lugar majestoso.
En: The Jerónimos Monastery is a majestic place.
Pt: Ficaram maravilhados com a beleza e a história do lugar.
En: They were amazed by the beauty and history of the place.
Pt: Caminharam pelo claustro e pelas salas cheias de arte e relíquias.
En: They walked through the cloister and the rooms filled with art and relics.
Pt: "Devemos procurar por uma pista," disse Thiago.
En: "We should look for a clue," Thiago said.
Pt: A carta falava de um compartimento secreto.
En: The letter mentioned a secret compartment.
Pt: Isadora notou uma estátua diferente.
En: Isadora noticed a different statue.
Pt: "Aqui!
En: "Here!
Pt: Vamos verificar esta estátua."
En: Let's check this statue."
Pt: Mariana encontrou uma inscrição secreta ao lado da estátua.
En: Mariana found a secret inscription next to the statue.
Pt: "É a pista!"
En: "It's the clue!"
Pt: exclamou.
En: she exclaimed.
Pt: Eles seguiram a inscrição até uma porta escondida.
En: They followed the inscription to a hidden door.
Pt: Ao abrir a porta, encontraram uma sala pequena com várias caixas velhas.
En: When they opened the door, they found a small room with several old boxes.
Pt: Dentro de uma das caixas, havia um diário antigo.
En: Inside one of the boxes was an old diary.
Pt: Era de um antepassado que tinha feito uma grande descoberta durante a Era dos Descobrimentos.
En: It belonged to an ancestor who had made a great discovery during the Age of Discoveries.
Pt: "Ele foi um explorador famoso!"
En: "He was a famous explorer!"
Pt: disse Thiago, lendo o diário.
En: Thiago said, reading the diary.
Pt: O diário também incluía mapas e histórias de terras distantes.
En: The diary also included maps and stories of distant lands.
Pt: Estavam fascinados.
En: They were fascinated.
Pt: "Agora entendemos nossa história," disse Isadora.
En: "Now we understand our history," Isadora said.
Pt: "É incrível."
En: "It's incredible."
Pt: Mariana sorriu.
En: Mariana smiled.
Pt: "Temos muito para partilhar com a família."
En: "We have a lot to share with the family."
Pt: No final do dia, eles deixaram o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos com orgulho.
En: At the end of the day, they left the Jerónimos Monastery with pride.
Pt: Tinham descoberto um tesouro de família e a ligação profunda que tinham com a história de Portugal.
En: They had discovered a family treasure and the deep connection they had with Portugal's history.
Pt: O segredo agora estava revelado, e um novo capítulo começava para Thiago, Mariana e Isadora.
En: The secret was now revealed, and a new chapter began for Thiago, Mariana, and Isadora.
Vocabulary Words:
- rainy: chuvoso
- attic: sótão
- cousins: primas
- curious: curiosas
- distant: distante
- relative: parente
- enthusiasm: entusiasmo
- majestic: majestoso
- amazed: maravilhados
- cloister: claustro
- relics: relíquias
- compartment: compartimento
- statue: estátua
- inscription: inscrição
- hidden: escondida
- boxes: caixas
- diary: diário
- ancestor: antepassado
- discovery: descoberta
- explorer: explorador
- maps: mapas
- lands: terras
- fascinated: fascinados
- understand: entendemos
- incredible: incrível
- treasure: tesouro
- deep: profunda
- revealed: revelado
- chapter: capítulo
- pride: orgulho
4 JUN. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Lost Tourist Crowned as Knight: A Lisbon Monastery Adventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Pt: No coração de Lisboa, em um dia ensolarado, Gonçalo e Beatriz decidiram visitar o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.
En: In the heart of Lisbon, on a sunny day, Gonçalo and Beatriz decided to visit the Jerónimos Monastery.
Pt: O céu estava azul e sem nuvens, e o cheiro do oceano próximo enchia o ar.
En: The sky was blue and cloudless, and the smell of the nearby ocean filled the air.
Pt: Beatriz sempre quis explorar a rica história de Portugal, e Gonçalo acompanhou-a, curioso.
En: Beatriz had always wanted to explore the rich history of Portugal, and Gonçalo accompanied her, curious.
Pt: Ao entrar no mosteiro, eles ficaram maravilhados com a magnificência das arcadas e das esculturas em pedra.
En: Upon entering the monastery, they were amazed by the magnificence of the arches and stone sculptures.
Pt: O guia começou a falar sobre a história do mosteiro, sua construção e sua importância.
En: The guide began to talk about the history of the monastery, its construction, and its importance.
Pt: Beatriz estava atenta a cada palavra, enquanto Gonçalo se distraía com as enormes portas e corredores.
En: Beatriz listened attentively to every word, while Gonçalo was distracted by the enormous doors and corridors.
Pt: "Vamos seguir para a nave central," disse o guia.
En: "Let's proceed to the main nave," said the guide.
Pt: Todos os turistas seguiram, mas Gonçalo viu uma porta lateral entreaberta e sua curiosidade falou mais alto.
En: All the tourists followed, but Gonçalo saw a slightly open side door and his curiosity got the better of him.
Pt: Ele olhou para Beatriz, que estava completamente envolvida na explicação do guia.
En: He looked at Beatriz, who was completely engrossed in the guide's explanation.
Pt: Gonçalo deixou o grupo silenciosamente e entrou pela porta lateral.
En: Gonçalo quietly left the group and entered through the side door.
Pt: Depois de alguns passos, Gonçalo percebeu que o ambiente era diferente, antigo, com tapeçarias nas paredes.
En: After a few steps, Gonçalo noticed that the environment was different, old, with tapestries on the walls.
Pt: Sem saber, ele havia entrado em uma ala restrita.
En: Unknowingly, he had entered a restricted area.
Pt: De repente, ouviu vozes e risos.
En: Suddenly, he heard voices and laughter.
Pt: Ele seguiu os sons até um salão grande, decorado com bandeiras e escudos.
En: He followed the sounds to a large hall, decorated with banners and shields.
Pt: Era uma cerimônia!
En: It was a ceremony!
Pt: Pessoas vestidas com roupas medievais estavam em volta de um trono dourado.
En: People dressed in medieval clothes were gathered around a golden throne.
Pt: Uma trombeta soou, e todos se viraram para Gonçalo.
En: A trumpet sounded, and everyone turned toward Gonçalo.
Pt: Ele tentou voltar, mas um homem alto, de barba branca, aproximou-se.
En: He tried to retreat, but a tall man with a white beard approached.
Pt: “Finalmente, o nosso cavaleiro chegou!” disse o homem.
En: “Finally, our knight has arrived!” said the man.
Pt: Gonçalo ficou sem palavras.
En: Gonçalo was speechless.
Pt: Antes que ele pudesse explicar, foi levado ao trono.
En: Before he could explain, he was taken to the throne.
Pt: Beatriz notou a ausência de Gonçalo e começou a procurá-lo, preocupada.
En: Beatriz noticed Gonçalo's absence and started looking for him, worried.
Pt: Enquanto isso, Gonçalo estava no centro da atenção.
En: Meanwhile, Gonçalo was at the center of attention.
Pt: Todos acreditavam que ele era o cavaleiro a ser coroado.
En: Everyone believed he was the knight to be crowned.
Pt: Recebeu uma espada cerimonial e uma coroa, enquanto olhava ao redor, atordoado.
En: He received a ceremonial sword and a crown, looking around in a daze.
Pt: Beatriz finalmente encontrou a porta lateral e entrou.
En: Beatriz finally found the side door and entered.
Pt: Viu Gonçalo sendo coroado e não pôde acreditar.
En: She saw Gonçalo being crowned and couldn't believe it.
Pt: Ela correu até ele.
En: She ran up to him.
Pt: "O que está a acontecer?"
En: "What is happening?"
Pt: perguntou ela.
En: she asked.
Pt: "Não sei!
En: "I don't know!
Pt: Pensei que fosse um evento normal," disse Gonçalo, segurando a pequena coroa.
En: I thought it was a normal event," said Gonçalo, holding the small crown.
Pt: O homem de barba branca se aproximou e percebeu o mal-entendido.
En: The man with the white beard approached and realized the misunderstanding.
Pt: Sorriu e disse: "Acontece que temos um novo cavaleiro.
En: He smiled and said, "It seems we have a new knight.
Pt: Mas parece que você não sabe da tradição."
En: But it appears you don't know the tradition."
Pt: "Não, eu sou apenas um turista," disse Gonçalo envergonhado.
En: "No, I'm just a tourist," said Gonçalo, embarrassed.
Pt: O homem riu alto.
En: The man laughed heartily.
Pt: "Não se preocupe.
En: "Don't worry.
Pt: Foi um engano divertido.
En: It was a funny mistake.
Pt: Venham, vamos levá-los de volta à visita guiada."
En: Come, we'll take you back to the guided tour."
Pt: Gonçalo e Beatriz foram escoltados de volta, ainda atônitos.
En: Gonçalo and Beatriz were escorted back, still astonished.
Pt: O guia e os outros turistas riram quando ouviram a história.
En: The guide and the other tourists laughed when they heard the story.
Pt: Gonçalo devolveu a espada e a coroa, prometendo ser mais cuidadoso da próxima vez.
En: Gonçalo returned the sword and the crown, promising to be more careful next time.
Pt: No final do dia, eles saíram do mosteiro, rindo da aventura inesperada.
En: At the end of the day, they left the monastery, laughing about the unexpected adventure.
Pt: Gonçalo olhou para Beatriz e disse: "Acho que fizemos história hoje."
En: Gonçalo looked at Beatriz and said, "I think we made history today."
Pt: "E eu acho que aprendi a nunca te perder de vista," disse Beatriz, sorrindo.
En: "And I think I learned never to lose sight of you," said Beatriz, smiling.
Pt: E assim, a visita ao Mosteiro dos Jerónimos terminou com uma memória inesquecível e uma lição sobre curiosidade.
En: And so, the visit to the Jerónimos Monastery ended with an unforgettable memory and a lesson about curiosity.
Pt: Gonçalo pode não ter sido um cavaleiro legítimo, mas certamente viveu uma aventura digna de uma história medieval.
En: Gonçalo might not have been a legitimate knight, but he certainly experienced an adventure worthy of a medieval tale.
Vocabulary Words:
- heart: coração
- sunny: ensolarado
- monastery: mosteiro
- cloudless: sem nuvens
- smell: cheiro
- curious: curioso
- magnificence: magnificência
- arches: arcadas
- stone sculptures: esculturas em pedra
- construction: construção
- importance: importância
- attentively: atentamente
- enormous: enormes
- corridors: corredores
- main nave: nave central
- restricted: restrita
- tapestries: tapeçarias
- banners: bandeiras
- shields: escudos
- ceremony: cerimônia
- trumpet: trombeta
- retreat: voltar
- throne: trono
- knight: cavaleiro
- speechless: sem palavras
- crowning: coroado
- misunderstanding: mal-entendido
- embarrassed: envergonhado
- escort: escoltar
- astonished: atônitos
31 MAY. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Serendipity at the Flea Market: How Artisans Reignite Creativity
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Pt: No coração de uma pequena cidade, onde o tempo parecia parar, havia um mercado de pulgas.
En: In the heart of a small town, where time seemed to stand still, there was a flea market.
Pt: Um mercado cheio de vida e mistério.
En: A market full of life and mystery.
Pt: Os vendedores expunham objetos únicos e antigos.
En: The vendors displayed unique and ancient items.
Pt: Mateus caminhava devagar entre as barracas.
En: Mateus walked slowly among the stalls.
Pt: Ele tinha uma missão clara: encontrar materiais raros para suas criações artesanais.
En: He had a clear mission: to find rare materials for his handcrafted creations.
Pt: Mateus fazia esculturas em madeira. Precisava de pedaços especiais, cheios de história.
En: Mateus made wooden sculptures and needed special pieces, full of history.
Pt: Lídia, por outro lado, estava à procura de tecidos antigos.
En: Lídia, on the other hand, was looking for antique fabrics.
Pt: Ela criava roupas e acessórios. Lídia estava sempre à procura de padrões únicos e cores vibrantes.
En: She created clothing and accessories and was always on the lookout for unique patterns and vibrant colors.
Pt: De repente, os caminhos de Mateus e Lídia se cruzaram.
En: Suddenly, Mateus and Lídia's paths crossed.
Pt: Eles olharam um para o outro, surpresos.
En: They looked at each other, surprised.
Pt: Não se viam há anos, desde a escola.
En: They hadn't seen each other in years, since school.
Pt: "Lídia?" perguntou Mateus, um sorriso surgindo no rosto.
En: "Lídia?" asked Mateus, a smile forming on his face.
Pt: "Mateus! Não acredito! O que fazes aqui?" Lídia respondeu, surpresa.
En: "Mateus! I can't believe it! What are you doing here?" Lídia responded, surprised.
Pt: Agora, juntos no mercado de pulgas, decidiram explorar as barracas.
En: Now, together in the flea market, they decided to explore the stalls.
Pt: Conversaram sobre os anos que passaram e sobre seus negócios artesanais.
En: They talked about the years that had passed and their artisanal businesses.
Pt: Encontraram uma barraca que vendia pedaços de madeira antigos e tecidos deslumbrantes.
En: They found a stall that sold antique pieces of wood and dazzling fabrics.
Pt: "Olhá só isso, Lídia! Esta madeira é perfeita!" exclamou Mateus, segurando um pedaço decorado com entalhes antigos.
En: "Look at this, Lídia! This wood is perfect!" exclaimed Mateus, holding a piece decorated with old carvings.
Pt: "E este tecido, Mateus? Tem detalhes incríveis!" respondeu, segurando um tecido vermelho com bordados dourados.
En: "And this fabric, Mateus? It has incredible details!" she responded, holding a red fabric with gold embroidery.
Pt: Decidiram ajudar-se mutuamente.
En: They decided to help each other.
Pt: Mateus encontrou madeira que poderia transformar em lindas esculturas e ofereceria seus trabalhos para os acessórios de Lídia.
En: Mateus found wood that he could transform into beautiful sculptures and would offer his works for Lídia's accessories.
Pt: Por sua vez, Lídia costuraria roupas e bolsas com os detalhes que Mateus criava em madeira.
En: In turn, Lídia would sew clothes and bags with the details Mateus created in wood.
Pt: O dia terminou com uma promessa: colaborar sempre que possível.
En: The day ended with a promise: to collaborate whenever possible.
Pt: Não foi apenas um encontro no mercado de pulgas, mas o início de uma forte parceria.
En: It was not just an encounter at the flea market but the beginning of a strong partnership.
Pt: A simplicidade do mercado trouxe um novo começo para ambos.
En: The simplicity of the market brought a new beginning for both.
Pt: Juntos, uniram talentos e criaram peças que encantaram a todos na pequena cidade.
En: Together, they combined their talents and created pieces that enchanted everyone in the small town.
Pt: O mercado de pulgas tornou-se o lugar onde duas almas criativas se reencontraram e cresceram, lado a lado.
En: The flea market became the place where two creative souls reconnected and grew, side by side.
Vocabulary Words:
- heart: coração
- town: cidade
- time: tempo
- seemed: parecia
- stand still: parar
- vendors: vendedores
- displayed: expunham
- unique: únicos
- ancient: antigos
- stalls: barracas
- mission: missão
- rare: raros
- materials: materiais
- handcrafted creations: criações artesanais
- sculptures: esculturas
- special pieces: pedaços especiais
- history: história
- antique fabrics: tecidos antigos
- accessories: acessórios
- patterns: padrões
- vibrant: vibrantes
- paths crossed: caminhos se cruzaram
- surprised: surpresos
- school: escola
- explore: explorar
- antique pieces: pedaços antigos
- dazzling: deslumbrantes
- decorated: decorado
- carvings: entalhes
- embroidery: bordados
31 MAY. 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Surprise at Porto: Miguel's Culinary Challenge
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Pt: No coração do Porto, há um festival famoso.
En: In the heart of Porto, there is a famous festival.
Pt: Todos os anos, o Food Festival atrai muita gente.
En: Every year, the Food Festival attracts many people.
Pt: Amália e João estavam entusiasmados.
En: Amália and João were excited.
Pt: Eles iam com o amigo Miguel.
En: They were going with their friend Miguel.
Pt: Miguel adorava comer, mas não era grande cozinheiro.
En: Miguel loved eating but wasn’t much of a cook.
Pt: Amália e João tinham uma ideia engraçada.
En: Amália and João had a funny idea.
Pt: Sem Miguel saber, inscreveram-no num concurso de culinária.
En: Without Miguel knowing, they signed him up for a cooking contest.
Pt: Queriam ver a expressão no rosto dele quando descobrisse.
En: They wanted to see the expression on his face when he found out.
Pt: Chegados ao festival, o Porto estava animado.
En: Upon arriving at the festival, Porto was bustling with activity.
Pt: Havia bancas de comida, música e muitas pessoas.
En: There were food stalls, music, and many people.
Pt: Miguel estava encantado com a comida.
En: Miguel was delighted with the food.
Pt: Ele provava tudo: pastéis de nata, bacalhau à Brás e tripas à moda do Porto.
En: He tasted everything: pastéis de nata, bacalhau à Brás, and tripas à moda do Porto.
Pt: De repente, ouviu-se o anúncio: "E agora, no palco principal, o nosso próximo concorrente: Miguel Santos!"
En: Suddenly, an announcement was heard: "And now, on the main stage, our next contestant: Miguel Santos!"
Pt: Miguel arregalou os olhos.
En: Miguel's eyes widened.
Pt: "O quê?
En: "What?
Pt: Eu?"
En: Me?"
Pt: perguntou ele, confuso.
En: he asked, confused.
Pt: Amália e João riam-se.
En: Amália and João laughed.
Pt: "Surpresa!"
En: "Surprise!"
Pt: disseram.
En: they said.
Pt: "Vai lá, mostra o que vales!"
En: "Go on, show us what you’ve got!"
Pt: Miguel subiu ao palco, ainda incrédulo.
En: Miguel climbed up to the stage, still in disbelief.
Pt: O apresentador entregou-lhe uma ficha.
En: The host handed him a card.
Pt: "Hoje vais cozinhar: Pato à Orange."
En: "Today you will be cooking: Duck à l'Orange."
Pt: Miguel não sabia o que era Pato à Orange!
En: Miguel had no idea what Duck à l'Orange was!
Pt: Olhou à volta, procurando ajuda.
En: He looked around, seeking help.
Pt: Amália e João estavam na plateia a rir e a acenar.
En: Amália and João were in the audience, laughing and waving.
Pt: "Usa laranjas!"
En: "Use oranges!"
Pt: gritou João.
En: shouted João.
Pt: "E pato, claro!"
En: "And duck, of course!"
Pt: disse Amália.
En: said Amália.
Pt: Miguel olhou para os ingredientes.
En: Miguel looked at the ingredients.
Pt: Começou a trabalhar, sem saber bem o que fazer.
En: He began to work, not really sure what to do.
Pt: Olhou para as laranjas e o pato.
En: He looked at the oranges and the duck.
Pt: Pensou: "Talvez deva começar por aqui."
En: He thought, "Maybe I should start here."
Pt: Enquanto cozinhava, Amália e João continuavam a dar dicas.
En: While cooking, Amália and João continued to give him tips.
Pt: "Mais laranja!"
En: "More orange!"
Pt: diziam.
En: they said.
Pt: "Talvez um pouco de sal!"
En: "Maybe a bit of salt!"
Pt: Miguel fazia o que podia, seguindo os conselhos dos amigos.
En: Miguel did the best he could, following his friends' advice.
Pt: Finalmente, o prato estava pronto.
En: Finally, the dish was ready.
Pt: Não sabia se estava bom, mas estava preparado.
En: He didn’t know if it was good, but it was prepared.
Pt: Os jurados provaram e sorriram.
En: The judges tasted it and smiled.
Pt: Falaram entre si e, finalmente, o veredicto: “Muito criativo!
En: They talked amongst themselves and, finally, the verdict: “Very creative!
Pt: Não é um Pato à Orange tradicional, mas tem sabor!”
Miguel respirou de alívio.
En: It’s not a traditional Duck à l'Orange, but it has flavor!”
Miguel breathed a sigh of relief.
Pt: Não ganhou o concurso, mas os jurados apreciaram o esforço.
En: He didn’t win the contest, but the judges appreciated the effort.
Pt: Amália e João deram-lhe um abraço.
En: Amália and João hugged him.
Pt: "Desculpa, Miguel.
En: "Sorry, Miguel.
Pt: Foi só uma brincadeira.
En: It was just a joke.
Pt: Estamos orgulhosos de ti!"
En: We're proud of you!"
Pt: Miguel riu-se.
En: Miguel laughed.
Pt: "Da próxima vez, avisem-me antes!
En: "Next time, warn me first!
Pt: Mas foi divertido."
En: But it was fun."
Pt: Os três amigos continuaram a explorar o festival, comendo e rindo.
En: The three friends continued to explore the festival, eating and laughing.
Pt: Era um dia que nunca iriam esquecer.
En: It was a day they would never forget.
Pt: E, no final, Miguel tinha mais uma história para contar.
En: And in the end, Miguel had one more story to tell.
Pt: No coração do Porto, sob o espírito do festival, a amizade prevaleceu e trouxe momentos felizes e memoráveis.
En: In the heart of Porto, under the spirit of the festival, friendship prevailed and brought happy and memorable moments.
Vocabulary Words:
- disbelief: incredulidade
- contestant: concorrente
- delighted: encantado
- inquiry: pergunta
- bustling: animado
- announced: anunciou
- expression: expressão
- prepared: preparado
- audience: plateia
- relief: alívio
- appreciate: apreciar
- verdict: veredicto
- creative: criativo
- proud: orgulhoso
- unexpected: inesperado
- cooking: cozinhando
- enroll: inscrever
- delicate: delicado
- suggestion: dica
- flavor: sabor
- host: apresentador
- duck: pato
- announced: anunciado
- tasted: provou
- memorable: memorável
- excited: entusiasmado
- smiled: sorriram
- surprise: surpresa
- card: ficha
- competition: concurso
Are you ready to supercharge your European Portuguese listening comprehension? Our Portuguese podcast, featuring a Portugal speaking style, is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to...
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Are you ready to supercharge your European Portuguese listening comprehension?
Our Portuguese podcast, featuring a Portugal speaking style, is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Portuguese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Portuguese and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lisbon, Porto, or Faro? Maybe you want to speak Portuguese with your grandparents from Lisbon?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Portuguese-speaking regions like Portugal, Brazil, and Mozambique. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Portuguese listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Aprimore sua compreensão auditiva com nossas histórias em português hoje!
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Our Portuguese podcast, featuring a Portugal speaking style, is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Portuguese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Portuguese and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lisbon, Porto, or Faro? Maybe you want to speak Portuguese with your grandparents from Lisbon?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Portuguese-speaking regions like Portugal, Brazil, and Mozambique. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Portuguese listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Aprimore sua compreensão auditiva com nossas histórias em português hoje!
Autor | |
Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
Categorías | Aprendizaje de idiomas , Cursos |
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